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Veronica's notepad, "la vie en Anglais"

voir aussi APPRECIATION, COMPARAISON (sur demande)

giving its point - to approve, to refute - argues

The decision is arousing controversy/ a debate (soulève une controverse/ débat) ; to discuss a subject (débattre d'un sujet) ; oppose ; to persuade him/ convince..
to agree
/ desagree (approuver/ désapprouver..) ; wouldn't you agree that..? ; to protest ; he brush aside her protests that it was not a.. (balaya, écarta ses protestations) ; to contest ; to dispute (contredire) ; they dispute over - to opppose ; to admit ; she argues that.. (oppose, conteste que) ; to argue, arguing ; to recognise ; to confess (reconnaître, avouer) ; he had never been more understanding and kind of selfless in all the time we'd known each other (compréhensif et une sorte de désintéressement)

what's your opinion about the room ? (quelle est votre opinion, votre avis) ; what's your idea on this ? ; what feeling does it give you ? (quel sentiment/ impression/ cela vous donne-t-il) ; do you give in (=agree) ; are you in favour or against the..) (pour ou contre) ; what do you think of that/ of him?/ about..? ; ..those who advocate competition to those who defend.. ("advocate" : plaider, défendre) ; we appreciate the position you are in (votre position), Mr Noubel but, can you at least give us any idea of when.. (nous donner quelque idée)

how did it get there (ça a marché ?) ; how did you get on ? (comment cela s'est-il passé) ; during the ten years I spent there, I came to see things differently (j'ai été amené à voir /j'ai vu les choses différemment) ;

at the first blush (au premier aspect, de prime abord) ; I find your article one-sided and biaised (partial ; faussé) ; his opinion/ decision is partly influenced by the need.. (par la nécessité) ; according to Veronica, opinion was divided over the early flight.. (selon Veronica, l'opinion était divisée par le..) : some expressed admiration for.. ; others critisized them

which are ? I don't mind (cela m'est indifférent) ; what does it matter how you look ? ("qu'est que cela peut faire" : quelle importance, l'air que vous avez..) ; no matter what you are (peu importe ce que..) ; I don't care ("care"=soin : je m'en fiche/ moque) ; neither Sanchez nor I nor Summer cared a whole hell of a lot (ni.. ni.. nous sommes jamais beaucoup souciés sur/pour..) about the difference between state courts and federal courts.. ; ..have mixed feelings about.. (impressions contradictoires) ; they took the side of their childs (ont défendu, pris position pour leurs enfants) ;
I have no idea, I can't say (je n'ai acune idée, ne peux pas dire) ; I don't know what to make it of all (je ne sais pas quoi penser de tout cela) ; I can't say off hand (faut voir, je ne peux pas dire comme ça) ; may be (peut-être) ; so, so (comme çi, comme ça) ; I haven't the foggiest idea ("brumeuse": pas la moindre idée) ; for reasons that are murky (obscures, troubles) ; I haven't a clue (pas le moindre indice) ; how should I know ? (comment le saurais-je) ; it's anyone's guess ( c'est ce que tout le monde pense ; traducteur "DeepL") ; there's no accounting for taste (vous savez, des goûts et des couleurs..) ; they tend to undervalue signs that a man is interrested in.. (sous-estimer les ) ; the .. is blighting you (vous aveugle)

avantages, inconvénients - asset (avantage) ; a real perk (avantage) ; to get the upper hand in bargaining (prendre l’avantage) ; downside (inconvénient) ; to weigh the/ ups and downs/ cons and pros (peser le pour et contre) ; there is no middle ground (compromis) ; assets, benefits (avantages) ; advantage/ avantage (‘advèntédge’) ; its disadvantages, drawbacks (inconvénients) ; a major shortcoming (important inconvénient, défaut) of the Kyoto protocol on climate change was.. ; the merits of (avantages) ; there is the flip side of the medal (le revers de la médaille) ; backlash (contrecoup) ; new technologie can cut two ways (être à double tranchant) ; we don't neccessarily grasp the ins and out of the crisis (saisissons pas les apports et les pertes ?)

- sens - it doesn't make any sense ! (cela n'a pas de sens) ; it's utterly nonsense ! (totalement absurde) ; ..apparently logical but in fact erroneous (erroné) ; it's meaningless (sans signification) ; it's the other way round ! (c'est l'inverse) ; this attempt is rather at odds with Virgi's.. (en contradiction avec) ; that isn't as paradoxical as it may sound ; Rossi's fears were groundless (sans fondement) ; the story is without any basis in fact (est sans fondement)

exagération - to exagerate, exagerating ; to make a mountain out of a molehill (molehill : taupinière - se faire une montagne de rien)

vrai, faux ; true (vrai) ; false (faux) ; I am positive it wasn't a fish ; I am sure (je suis sûr) ; he tells the true (il dit la vérité) ; unvarnished (simple, sans fard, direct) ; blunt (abrupt, franc, direct) ; he is known for speaking his mind (pour son franc parler)
uncertain ; dubious (douteux, suspect) ; fictitious President (faux) ; isn't it obvious that/ more fun than..? ; I find your article one-sided and biaised (partial, faussé) ; to be biased towards, (être orienté vers, favoriser) ; he tells lies (il ment, exagère) ; its a lie (mensonge) ; liar (menteur) ; I am not convinced (you are a liar) ; Arthur has no faith in technology (confiance en la.. ) ; looks skeptical (semble sceptique) ; nothing could be further from the truth, could be more exegerated (rien n'est plus éloigné de la vérité ; littéral : ne peut être plus éloigné)

with good reason, first you can.. (pour de bonnes raisons) I suspect you to.. (soupçonne de) ; but is that true ? (est-ce vrai) ; are you pulling my leg, there has been nothing else since.. (vous me faites marcher ? il n'y a rien eu d'autre depuis..) ; admit it, you are not truly serious are you ? ; let's face it ! (faut l'admettre, le reconnaître) ; it's the other way round ! (c'est l'inverse) ; this attempt is rather at odds with Virgi's.. (en contradiction avec)

I am not sure about that ; I'll think it over (j'y réfléchirai) ; that's a hard question to answer (difficult: NO!!) ; it depends on how you look at it (comment vous regarder les choses) ; that all depends on how you think at it ; it all depends (ça dépend) ; depends on a number of factors ;
..are contingent on (upon) coalition (sont dépendant de)

it's a common knowledge that.. (bien connu que) ; batteries typically contain (en règle générale) ; I can't fault your logic ! ; for all I know..(pour autant que je sache..) ; as far as I know/ as far as I am concerned (autant que je sache/soit concerné) ; ..have mixed feelings about..(impressions contradictoires) ; I prefer the cinema to television

from my point (of view).. (de mon point de vue); my point is.. ; to my mind.. (d'après moi, pour moi) ; you will admit that this is a.. ; he argues that it could be.. (‘arguiouz’ : soutient = maintain) ; he argues in favor of.. (plaide en faveur) ; BUT !! : argues with/ about (se disputer !!) ; before that, they viewed M.B. rather differently (considéraient différemment) ; a few would claim that intelligence.. (soutiendraient que) ; to allege (‘eulèdje’ ; prétendre) ; allegedly (d'après ce que l'on dit, prétendûment) ; allegations ; M.B. contends that.. (affirme que) ; I hold the view that.. (soutiens le point de vue que) ; M.B. holds that it is unlikely that.. (est peu probable que) ; but what does that make you think the victims could be alive (qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser que) ; risk alienating two billions Christians over a movie (écarter, priver)

isn't it obvious that (évident que); I am sure you will admit that this is a.. (que vous admettrez) ; we can't rule out a heart attack (exclure) ; will estrogen help a menauposal monkey think better ? (est-ce que l'œstrogène aidera un singe à mieux penser)

do you really think so? ; is this desirable? ; it sounds as though (= it seems: semble que) ; it almost sounds as though you weren't.. (vous avez l'air de dire..) ; yes, but it seems to me that.. (il me semble que) ; well, that all depends (on how you think at it) ; I suppose it's not beyond the realm of possibility (c'est du domaine du possible)

wouldn't you agree that? ; don't you agree that (n'êtes vous pas d'accord)? ; wouldn't it be better to.. (ne serait-il pas mieux) ; don't you think we should.. (ne pensez vous pas que nous devrions) ; shouldn't you..? (ne devriez vous pas ..) ; I am not sure about that (je ne suis pas sûr de cela) ; not quite ! (pas tout à fait) ; I see your point but.. (je vois/ comprends votre pensée/ point de vue, mais)

do you see my meaning ? (vous voyez ce que je veux dire) ; before that they viewed.. (considéraient) ; they do not think in the same way as their parents (ne pensent pas la même chose que, comme) ; they can't patch up their differences (ici: rapprocher) ; definitely (sans aucun doute) ; definitively, for good ! (définitivement, pour de bon)

has driven a wedge (un coin : un différent entre..) ; ..but other scientist say there is a little hard evidence (pas de preuve solide) to back up specific predictions (soutenir)

but he has now turned around and said the contract is invalid because.. (changé d'avis) ; you undercut me (me contredisez), you sabotage me (me diminuez, critiquez) ; the whole conversation needs to be reframed (recadré) ; a shift in thinking is under way, driven by altered circumstances (un changement est en cours, provoqué par.. ;

I managed to convince him (je suis parvenu à le convaincre) ; to persuade, convince

do they really expect to convince anyone they are no elites ? and should they ? (croient-ils vraiment convaiancre.. et le devraient-ils) ; have you considered that/ thought of..? ; he doesn't take the noise into account (prendre en compte); I don't see on what grounds you say that ; let me remind you.. (je vous rappelle/ laissez moi vous rappeler) ; what you must remember is.. (ce que vous devez vous rappeler est..) ; we have to be born in mind..(avoir à l'esprit) ; I would say that are many factors involved like poverty, drugs (de nombreux facteurs interviennent) ; ..is part of the..and we have to deal with (fait partie de) ; I find your article one-sided and biaised (partial ; faussé) ; a shortsighted point of view (étroit, limité) ; he doesn't know beans about..(connais pas grand chose ; beans: haricots) ; I can no longer remember (ne peut plus me rappeler)

M.B., would you believe it, was..(le croiriez vous) ; believe me if you will when I admit that.. (croyez-moi si vous voulez) ; do you really expect me to believe that ? (vous attendez-vous vraiment à ce que je crois cela) ; disbelief (incrédulité) ; you can take my word ! (vous pouvez me croire) ; whatever the reason (quelle que soit la raison) ; he and I are confident that.. (persuadés, convaincus) ; to justify (justifier) ; I wasn't convinced that she had.. ; it may very well be convinced

a half year ago I would have ruled out any discussion of.. (écarté, exclus, barré, rayé) ; I don't share your point (of view) (je ne partage pas votre point de vue) ; it's unacceptable ; I can't see no point in having 12 months in a year (je ne vois pas pas d'utilité, d'intérêt) ; as silly as it sounds..(aussi bête que cela puisse paraître) ; but it's not worth while (cela n'en vaut pas la peine) ; it's quite useless (ça ne sert à rien) ; I deply regret, but..it's not my impression ; in theory at least, they welcomed.. but in practice the record is mixed (en théorie du moins ; mais en pratique) ; you have no completion of the difficulty (ici: aucune idée) ; one only hasn't to do..(il ne suffit pas de..) ; it's out of context ! not in the spirit of ..(pas dans l'esprit de..)
don't picture Harris as a smooth scoundrel (ne vous imaginez pas qu'Harris..)

but come hell or high water (quoiqu'il arrive) ; so much the worse= who needs it ? (tant pis) ; so much the better= all the better (tant mieux) ; there is no need to (il n'est pas nécessaire de) ; I wouldn't surprise me if there were people in..(cela ne m'étonnerait pas qu'il y ait..)
it is no laughing matter
(il n'y a pas de quoi rire) ; he always lands on his feet (il retombe toujours sur des pieds) ; afterthaught (arrière pensée)

to take issue over points/ something ; to protest against/ about the.. (contre, à propos de) ; they think only about protesting (ils ne pensent qu'à protester) ; I don't contest/ dispute/ question/ that you are right ; contesting/ questioning/ disputing (contester, contestation) ; so what? (marque l'indifférence)

this novel is very controversial ; a controversy (contestation) ; once again the science is wrong !: in what way ? (dans quel sens) ; what is the point ? (et alors) ; this is not the point (pas la question) ; let's face it (reconnaissons le, il faut l'admettre)

relevant (pertinent) ; relevance (pertinence) ; nothing could be further from the truth (plus éloigné de la vérité) ; that's irrelevant (déplacé ; ça n'a rien à voir) ; it doesn't really make sens (ça n'est pas très logique) ; it's utterly nonsense ! (totalement absurde) ; what made you believe that (qu'est-ce qui vous fait suposer) ; it is totally premature to say that.. (prématuré) ; that's really stiff ! (elle est bien bonne, elle est raide celle là) ; that's a good one ! (c'est la meilleure) ; you've got a dirty mind (esprit mal placé) ; to trespass (empiéter sur un sujet, prérogative) ; it's out of context ! ; have you gone mad ? (êtes-vous devenu fou)

DESACCORD voir aussi "RELATIONNEL" (sur demande)

I desagree entirely/ strongly (n'approuve pas du tout) ; I can't agree with you ; desagreement ; critical opinion ; ..could negociate solutions to major disputes (principaux désaccords) ; Libya denied the report (rejeta) ; never mind ! (laisse tomber) ; there is no point in going any further (d'aller plus loin)
I don't think so ! ; no, not at all (pas du tout) ; well, but,.. ; I see your point but.. ; I am not sure about that, it doesn't reflect the view I have of.. (ne correspond pas)

well, possibly, but I.. (eh bien, c'est possible mais je.. ; may be not, but (peut être que non) ; he brush aside her protests (balaya) ; by no means (= not a all) ; I think you are wrong (avez tort) ; but in fact erroneous (faux, erroné) ; I am afraid, but.. ; I don't share your opinion (ne partage pas) ; I am not convinced (pas convaincu) ; ..is unfounded (non fondé) ; the plan is unacceptable

I don't feel that this project will benefit the population je ne (ressent) pense pas que ce projet bénéficiera à la population) ; I (don't) consider that this is a progressive go ahead (innovation, précurseur) ; I don't think/ believe (ne pense pas, ne crois pas) that this scheme (‘skime’) will solve the.. (résoudra le..) ; I don't see on what grounds (pour quelles raisons) you say that ; let me remind you.. (laissez moi vous rappeler)

countering the common critic that.. (à l'encontre de) ; to counter (aller à l'encontre de) ;something which counteract the.. (contrebalancer) ; does anyone oppose my suggestion ?

the gap shows no sign of narrowing (rapprochement) ; nothing you can say can make me change my mind (rien de ce que vous dites ne me fera changer d'idée) ; "he has a bee in his bonnet" (marotte, idée fixe)
can you feel me on something
; who are you with ? (avec qui êtes vous ?) ; no one (personne) ; his research was sidelined and he hit a brick wall (marginalisée, se heurta à un mur) ; my foot ! (tiens, mon oeil !)

ACCORD - to agree (approuver) ; I agree entirely (totalement, sans réserve) ; agreement ; I quite/ completely agree with you/ on that point ;

no doubt about that (pas de doute là-dessus); whatever the secret, I have to confess that I find nothing.. ; I aknowledge that.. (reconnais) ; well, I won't deny it, it was really.. ; as you rightly point out..(soulignez, signalez justement)

is it all right/ OK if I bring the..? (c'est d'accord si.. ?) ; I think so ; that's my opinion too ; are you sure ? positive ! (tout à fait !) ; the very relevant example of the success (pertinent) ; how utterly.. (complètement, totalement) ; that's exactly what I feel, exactly ; absolutely, no question (pas de doute) ; Slovenes were undoubtedly dismayed (consternés)

it is obvious that.. (évident) ; my evidence is.. (preuve) ; I shall be giving evidence to the.. ; are you sure ?: of course I am sure ! ; I am confident that you will find..(persuadé, convaincu)
very likely (très probablement) ; more than likely (très probablement) ; by all means (exactement tout à fait) ; that's what I figured ! (ce que je pensais, imaginais) ; what did I tell you ? (qu'est-ce que je vous disais) ; it's the best thing ! (ça tombe bien: moi aussi/ moi non plus) ; I trust your jugement (je vous fais confiance)

with the de facto acquiesence of the pakistant military


matters on which all of us (don't) agree : - (agree neutraly) : I think she will move to :

a) may be she will ; - b) may be she won't (a : peut être que oui/ b : peut être que non)

- approbation, dénégation ; I think B will move to Manchester :

a) so do I or (and) me too ; yes, I do too (moi de même, aussi) ;
b) yes I'm sure she will (oui, j'en suis sûr) ;
c) well, I don't think she will (eh bien.., je ne pense pas) ;

I don't think B. will move to Manchester:

(a) don't you ? I do (pas vous ? moi si) ;
b) no, I am sure she won't (non, je suis sûr que non):
c) well, I think she will(eh bien.., je pense que oui)

- moi aussi/ moi non plus ;
I must visit her : so must I (moi aussi)

neither do I/ me either (moi non plus) ; if he says no, so can you (faites de même) ; well, you look good: so do you (vous aussi)

if you don't love me, I dont love you either (non plus) ;
I can’t do that job ; no could I !

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