architecture, arts and technics frontages and houses - fountains, campaniles, sundials, wall paintngs.. - bildings, towers, other housing -
ancient constructions, art objects- religious edifices and religions
technics and materials, evolving - arts works, huge sizes
surprising, funny (or not) city and nature, street signs, plates and placards, shops, trade, humans, animals, foods, vehicules, arts, things, habits and faith.
Science and Technics first things. numbers, percentages, slopes, angles - forces and composition - energy, mass, speed - liquids - pressure, temperature..
Life just visible or too tiny, complex and créative world - birth.. - atoms - univers - to wonder ?
electricity batteries, lightings, electric current, (electro)magnetism, gigantism - électrostatic - dangers.. data technology..
this page: Not really funny 2, rather frightening,   dangerous..
Very frightening.
Scenery of Preikestolen (Stavanger), Norway.
If you make the walk, you will have fear to freeze in your tracks. Warning, the wind can be very strong and in addition there are any protections : sometime, paths can be to the edge !!
(good walkers, excursion of 1/2 day). Photo hibis
The path is now better on some places and signaled too !
650 meters of absolute verticality, even more, in several places.
Here the place of the stronger sensations: iron rods were sealed in the rock, all the way to the edge, so that one can pull oneself down and pass the head to see the void, but they were removed.
Seen a windy day that sometimes although we were bent, pushed us on several meters !
magazine photo.
Atlantic Coast, danger !
ALL Atlantic coast is to be approached with the greatest caution, from Brittany to the basque country.
tranlation : Danger, "both on and nearby the rocks" (dam).
Sketch of a baïne, the mortal danger of the Atlantic Ocean shore, on the French coast.
A pouch of still water with a quiet appearance, but which could be animated by a violent current. Invisible for the neophyte, it carries off every year the best swimmers. Solution: let go and try to go back further (if not too much waves and water not to much cold !).
The baïne is a pool of water inside the water that is confined by an amount of sand accumulated by the waves. This pool can empty abruptly itself in the ocean at downward tide, but not only, when the amount of sand breaks under the pressure.
Sometimes not announced, as is it at Anglet (world surfing place, basque Country) ; only the initiates know them. With drowned people each year.
Photo hibis ; the small character and the arrow have been added.
Baïnes not announced. On the basque coast - a famous place of world surfing - only local people and mainly surfers know them !
We can enter (or fall) while we walk quietly, water knee! In this protected pocket, the water is apparently quiet, and it is tempting to wade the children. I
Anglet, september 2005. a good day of bathe, good weather and "reasonable" swell ; a man practising the kayak was carried awway by the current, and shifted far from the edge, parallel to the beach. Curiously, its kayak had returned at the shore.
Fortunately, a surfer intercepted him and brought him back to the shore.
- One seldom bathes there, but there are drowned people each year.
09 2005: The same afternoon, a tourist equipped with palms got running into water, and disappeared, carried by a baïne (according to two men and a woman having seen the scene, who gave alarm).
A safety sea scooter researched then, but don't find.
"They are always found" says a man, because the current brings back their body".
I checked myself the treachery of the spot while walking in water towards a group of bathers standing shoulders levelling the water : I was half way suddenly pulled laterally whereas those I would have reached were jumping in the waves !
I got back returned while releasing me, but I did not include/understand anything.
Currents. No "baïnes" in Brittany, but dangerous streams and waves known as "from bas", to be feared on the open rocky coasts, especially by strong tides or strong swell.
Depends on the places, the waves and the tide. Also roll waves said of edge that can break the neck on the sand. One was close to the Croisic.
People are reckless, that's right; but what do we do to inform them? one of the unavowable reasons may be not to frighten the tourist. They prefer some deaths.
It is still a water history, and the man does not have any responsability in.
This time, it refers to certain Asia rivers (China, Vietnam...
I do not have the list), which carry alluvia in great quantity, coming from mountains used by the time.
Their frightening characteristic is that they were raised themselves, while gradually depositing, at the bas and on the sides, their own embankment.
They thus run now into a kind of giant levee located at several meters, up to several tens of meters above the level of their alluvial plain.
On thousands of kilometers
When occured the last catastrophe in China, we heard about reinforcing the dams and worse flooding the plains against the peasants interests.
Nobody evoked this characteristic that nearly nobody knows. Because the overflow or the rupture of the natural levee that the river has built, ten meters above the plain,
is terrifying. Million hectares are then concerned with a giant outfall.
It is the case of Hanoi, which is 30 meters below the natural levee of the red river !
From, "l'eau des hommes" (water of people) , by Pierre Lacoste.
water story
In terms of water, the major risks are many, natural, such as the monsoon (including Bangladesh), rogue waves and marine waterspouts, sudden floods, or man-made, such as the risks posed by some dams (including one identified in Iraq).
Norway, fjord. Nature lovers, here is what you need: a pretty little farm in the mountains.
There is however a small disadvantage : it is necessary to attach the children at a solid stake ! the sheep them, manage as they can do (no, it is not a joke).
Another farm, farther at the right end of the fjord, was abandoned because of the number of dead.. hibis, shot from the boat while visiting the fjord.
Access is from the back, at the top. Fortunately !
Torture or challenge
Five acrobats jump from the top of 30 metre high post, capped with a small platform.
They are attached by the waist to a long cord which will gradually unroll.
The men must grip the cord with their legs just when they go jumping down ! Acrobats turn around the post until the moment when they touch almost the ground.
New Caledonia islands
Native old style fishing by jumping off a clifff with a saguaïe.
Require much experiment because some have impaled themselves on their sagaïe while knocking a rock or the the bas of the sea. touristic booklet
This protection is really frightening : on kilometres, a double line of grids spaced of a few meters and between this two, reproduced indefinitely, kinds of odd antennas pointing in height in all directions.
Nuclear reprocessing factory, La Hague (Cotentin, France).
On the ground, between the two grids, large rolls of barbed wire are deployed. In short, one wonders whether one will be electrocuted either will be fired automatically without summation !
Chad (two third désertic (or semi) country in north-central Africa. Photo published by the French air force participating in the support of Chad's populations "displaced" and crammed into miserable camps where their lives are hardly better assured.
This young, frail and smiling person, who carries four large empty cans, walks off the roads or tracks because of the insecurity that reigns in this area.
The daily water consumption (*) is 30 liters for an African, 300 for a European, 500 for a Parisian, 600 for an American, 1000 for a New Yorker.
(*) Understand all mixed consumption divided by the population. Tchad.
Yes, it is in our time (2000).
In a province of China, a woman is judged for child trafficking; she bought them 25 euros (equivalent) and resold them to the peasants so that they could give their son a wife.
Surprise, the whole village defends her as a benefactor ! yes, because before, these girls were fund dead.. Clearly, life and its appreciation are not so obvious. From a book "Five Years in China" or something like that.