architecture, arts and technics frontages and houses - fountains, campaniles, sundials, wall paintngs.. - bildings, towers, other housing -
ancient constructions, art objects- religious edifices and religions
technics and materials, evolving - arts works, huge sizes
surprising, funny (or not) city and nature, street signs, plates and placards, shops, trade, humans, animals, foods, vehicules, arts, things, habits and faith.
Science and Technics first things. numbers, percentages, slopes, angles - forces and composition - energy, mass, speed - liquids - pressure, temperature..
Life just visible or too tiny, complex and créative world - birth.. - atoms - univers - to wonder ?
electricity batteries, lightings, electric current, (electro)magnetism, gigantism - électrostatic - dangers.. data technology..
this page: People and trade 2,   shops, outdoors
Pharmacia à "esquiver" ?
Look at the i. Brrr; inspired from the sacrifice knife, very widespread in pre-Columbian country, including amid the Mayas, although considered less sanguinary than others.
Click in the corner top right hand, and you will read the panel on the "safe vasectomy without pain and.. without lancet.. is it with the knife ??
AAAhh !!!
A true collector ! everything that pinch, squeeze, cut and else. Shop window in a water treatment city of a the Massif Central (France).
A coffee-books or something like that. (80s)
There are also strange State stores of wine; as a matter of fact, alcohol is severely regulated over there... and they're going to drink.. to get drunk in Denmark (and on the boat).
Mexique. Efficacité relative.
The board firmly specifies (clik) : it is strictly forbidden to do trade on this place.
The person taken will be defer to the authorities. However, the square is full of small merchants !
On this place, a clock reveals by circumvolution of animated characters, phases of the life of the Virgin. Crowded, religious devotion.
Mexico Mariachis (Mexico), were "rented" for weddings, hence their name. They are now occurring more frequently
for tourists. Mariachis name comme from the French mariage (wedding) said matrimonio in Spanish)
..and these ones give an audience.. on the phone !! Pprobably to demonstrate their talent for employment.
Egypt, Cairo.
Display on the ground. Due to the dust of the country, plastic transparencies films are generally used as a protection. It rains only a few days per annum here and one is practically in the desert.
Before the dam, it was only raining two or three days per annum.
Martinique. Fort de France.
A tray both on the hood and on the roof of the car.
Northern India. hibis André M.
Real natural sponges, usually fished in very bad conditions for a low income.
The sponge is only the skeleton of the animal, which coats its channels fueled by the sea water.
Let us forget for a moment the harsh reality and remember only the spectacle of a certain harmony.
It's better than a cage, right? although the purpose is the same.
We would like to add the name of the character, who will not have benefited from the commercial profit of his photo.
clic, to see a little better.
Asia Asia the exploit of destitution, in all non-standard countries. This is a bicycle.
A report showed me modified bicycles, reinforced with platforms, held by several people, which support crate stackings up to more than one tonne.
Inde. magasine
A market in Asia, with its small fruit and vegetable stalls; it's well packed, you don't lose an inch of space. So far, everything is normal.
There are even some on the... click! you will see more than surprising. magasine.
Chine. Marché aux célibataires.
In Shanghai and Beijing, every weekend, a crowd invades the park to praise the qualities and merits of a child. With a strong description and photos. People prefer direct contact with their parents with whom
they will have to get along first of all ...
In Shanghai, we can specify the age with astrological signs, so important, because the dog barks on the cock he finds superficial, while the bull and the rat can give very good results ! so monkey,
28 years old: horse, 30; snake, 31 etc. The descriptions are flattering.
Also the kind of perfect person we are looking for : his income, his size, his tastes, his health, not too big...
A man wants to marry his son quickly because he will receive a better compensation for the eviction of his home. Article "Le monde 2", May 2008.
French, with four terrible faults ! We are closed, the rolling shutter is out of order. Thank you and later.
South West of France. A beautiful evening of the summer end.
crowded street with small restaurants and bars. It extends a bit to the street