architecture, arts and technics frontages and houses - fountains, campaniles, sundials, wall paintngs.. - bildings, towers, other housing -
ancient constructions, art objects- religious edifices and religions
technics and materials, evolving - arts works, huge sizes
surprising, funny (or not) city and nature, street signs, plates and placards, shops, trade, humans, animals, foods, vehicules, arts, things, habits and faith.
Science and Technics first things. numbers, percentages, slopes, angles - forces and composition - energy, mass, speed - liquids - pressure, temperature..
Life just visible or too tiny, complex and créative world - birth.. - atoms - univers - to wonder ?
electricity batteries, lightings, electric current, (electro)magnetism, gigantism - électrostatic - dangers.. data technology..
France old Basque dwelling, made of piled up pieces of
wood, with a rounded roof like an "igloo".
The bories of Provence (France,
APT area). In a country area which was
much more harsh than one believe nowadays,
are stones huts, without any cement or mud.
They can be traced back to the Bronze Age, and it is about 3000 years of continuity, the newest haning been built in the XVIIIth century.
The thickness of the walls (>up to three metres), keep a constant temperature all the year long. Luberon region,
Often isolated in fields as shelters, they were also true dwellings or even villages with narrow alleys and "city walls", sheep-pens, stone
bread ovens, wine vats, or threshing areas. Some
tiny of them, decorating an entry, are simple reconstitution.
the ways leading to the bories : an unusual stacking.
Norway. Reconstitution of dwelling
in Norway, where the covers were covered with ground and
vegetation, having an insulation and protection role. hibis
A tree grows there too !
A small perfect house in a backyard amid two beautiful big sized houses
(North sea resort village). hibis
It seems that our architects are rediscovering the benefits of green roofs as
people far more simple and wise had
imagined so long ago; they doesn't think only to our
frozen or overheated terraces, but
also at the facades and
balconies od large buildings and towers.
Imposing Norwegian two
floors farm house. hibis
The most prestigious site for the Castles said "Cathares" : Monségur.
Left, the maroon plate read : "area of the castrium Cathare", because the Cathares were living outside the castle which did not belong to them.
But they have been staying and resisting there for 40 years.
Castles known as "Cathares" were in reality occupied by Lords which had not any link with them.
The Cathares, pursued by Catholic armies, were accepted and helped by local populations<, which were suffering too from these wars and
resulting invasions. Most of the Cathares ended burned to death, refusing to subdue.
As a hull of boat. The vast space covered by this superb
frame in vault makes dream. It sheltered members of guard and perhaps
some others. Castle of Sully sur Loire. hibis
Ariège.Old toll bridge, "the Devil bridge". hibis
Ariège (France) : insufficient maintenance or classified shutters?
Fortified cities. France does not suffer from a lack of fortified castles, cities and villages, inside
the country or on edge
of sea. More or less complete enclosures remain sometimes, and several doors still limit their access.
France, Sarlat.
Old and beautiful walls of Sarlat, the city of gooses and confit.hibishibis
Fortifications of Aigues
Mortes, formerly by the sea. Back sight, where she was to be very close..