architecture, arts and technics frontages and houses - fountains, campaniles, sundials, wall paintngs.. - bildings, towers, other housing -
ancient constructions, art objects- religious edifices and religions
technics and materials, evolving - arts works, huge sizes
surprising, funny (or not) city and nature, street signs, plates and placards, shops, trade, humans, animals, foods, vehicules, arts, things, habits and faith.
Science and Technics first things. numbers, percentages, slopes, angles - forces and composition - energy, mass, speed - liquids - pressure, temperature..
Life just visible or too tiny, complex and créative world - birth.. - atoms - univers - to wonder ?
electricity batteries, lightings, electric current, (electro)magnetism, gigantism - électrostatic - dangers.. data technology..
Bell, cone to insulate a speaker phonetically (laid on the floor, yes, that exists), dispenser of perfume..
Below this bathtub faucet, is it a water flow regulator, a flow meter, a demagnetizer or another device? installed in Germany, he would arrive in France.
There are many strange things in this field, but it's too a serious subject to talk about. Do you know that our bone calcium is fixed by the eyes under the action of light ? and that "Nordic depression" are treated and reduced by strongly lit plates ?
I explained to my doctor, who prescribed pills instead, that we were not in Norway, near the Arctic Circle, or even in Denmark !
And about light - the sun - many skin cancers would develop on areas not exposed to light! for there is unfortunately a great variety.
This one, right hand, is not a cockroach but a comprehensive 2 centimetres 5 grams pill engineered by Japanese scientists.
Another for our body to be explored, drivable and with the capacity of delivering products..
Next No 25
With a battery, vapor chamber, container of products. Something that somehow is to preserve health.
Historical jaw ; Egyptians practised trepanation, and some lucky people have, one says, escaped. Here is the first dental implant of the world
! About year 100 of our era, a young man was made establish an iron premolar: the false tooth was well encased in the jaw, which was ossified perfectly !
necropolis Gallo-Roman of Chantambre (France, Essonne). !
A dentist wrote me, challenging this announcement, which is understandable given the mandatory infection. I had no news despite my answer.
A self-propelled endoscope This last one is like flipper the dolphin, for its queue giggle ! a technology later, whose progress we could'nt describe, they are able now to drive the moving camera so that it can be well oriented. (Japan)
When I suppose my neighbourg send me these bees for spying me, I am not so far from the true. Here is the first insectoid under the shape of an cockshaffer (may bug) - a true one vivid - on which american from Michigan have added some things and electrodes, of which those devoted to the drive, solar cellulars, tiny camera..
Rapex, the condom antiviol. Sonet Ehlers , at the request of a mother who had more than enough to see the climbing number of sexual assaults in South Africa, has invented a classic female condom which, thank to the tiny hooks to cling to sex of the perpetrator can be identified.
How? to get rid of it the rapist is forced to go to a hospital because the unit can only be removed by a surgeon.
Atlantic coast (France). Original and perhaps useful: a lighthouse church. Unless it is an observation post ..
This is really a chuch, in Normandy, country of invasions and war against England.
Also that of the "overlord", (landing of allies in June 1944).
Round by Nature
23 Wouldn't it be an evolution the acanthaster, this starfish which eats the corals, would it ?
Tests performed for deforming the new "Rolland Garros" tennis ball, using the new foam technology to reduce air drag ?
Assembly of carbon molecules with successful nuclear technology called "nanotechnology" ?
Production Project of transgenic bean to eradicating hunger in needy countries.
38A died dried mouse laying on its back, feets upside ?
Another complexity from the nature. Did you ever met it ?
Small ? he paints with a hair of a fly's head ! - his record is an invisible sculpture, ordered by a businessman :
he crushed a grain of sand and took a dust in which he carved a little polar bear
33 A molecule of ARN deployed (very magnified), a spiral coral of ivory (like those in la Réunion, see hibis Islands and Lagoons, corals.
An old coffee or steam machine, maybe both at the same time?
This museum model ends its days were it was, on a wall, at the edge of the road, in a village in Lubéron.
Technique The man plane.This Swiss commander has got to the top of his passion. Fervant follower of the jump in free fall, it tried to improve the performances until the realization of this folding wing, which does not support less but four engines.
Having started the engines, it jumps and unfold the wings to which it is tied up. He starts then for a 6 minutes flight at 200 km/h. It moves by movements of head.
Perhaps not really comfortable, but delft gratifying. For him, not for its family but it is always like that with hobbies.
Let us greet the madness of the performance : Would Icare only have believed it ? Foolish.
In terms of aircraft, we now have to rely on drones, these model aircraft and remotely controlled helicopters or planes. France will try to fly a mechanical dragonfly.
Update 2017: it still would not take off. But on this date, another original builds a drone "shapped very big bee" to feel and smell flowers (?)
The ultimate goal - far away? gog pollinate what is not if the bees came to disappear. And he will do good HONEY ??
09 2008: The Dutch researchers have built a 10cm wingspan micro wing drone with a weight of 3.07 grams. he flies 3 minutes to 5 meters per second and has a video camera transmitting live.
Next version in three years, should be 5cm wide for 1 gram. In 2O17, I do not know anything about the planned state. It does not bite or sting for now. But beware more than ever of bees and flies too sticky.
Jules Verne didn't think at it. These aquatic blunderbusses that would crisscross seas and oceans in large numbers, are supposed to send huge quantity of water into the air to enhance the clouds.. simple.
"Standing ovation, get up for this reat idea.
And it is not with the solar energy that we could propel these millions of tons of water so high. Right in the clouds.
Projects are blooming for fighting the global warming. Because there
is a lot of money to be made. Here are some pretty crazy projects, if not
completely : A / remove the CO2 from the planet reinjecting wherever we
can (but it's getting staterd..). B / strengthen the clouds, in the purpose to make a sail against the heat or to get more water.
C / throw a little of everything in the upper atmosphere to make it rain (a few experiences have already been tempted) or make the clouds or the atmosphere reflective.
And the funding ? for the science which as we see, would be very grateful. In a great joy we could sing "singing in the acid rain".
What about the achievement ? there will great means, rockets, airplanes, airships, which would send into the air millions of tons
of highly ecological products as sulfur, silver iodide, aluminum particles.. can't be better. Perfect for our lungs.
The most reasonable people would set up an "umbrella of a few thousands km squares surface, at 1.5 million km high. Nothing alarmng, right ?
Which planet was this nice "extraterrestrial" and in which film ?
Portrait Gallery29
And this one ? notice that man makes commendable efforts to look like
click HERE ! except for the eyes, that like all insects, are multiple
facets (artificially colored in orange here).
Homo habilis , the most ancient species believed to be in the direct line of the man, before the famous Lucy.
The meager remains of Lucy did not present any particularity and it was necessary to find a bone of the heel, further and later, to distinguish it from the monkeys (standing up).
For this little one, it's easier: He wears the first sunglasses !!
(image - not faked - of the New York Times).
Bamboo tubes that smoke. We are among a forest people revealed in a film by Paul Emile Victor, explorer. Indians emitted pouf of smoke to send signals. But there? Is this for begging their god
Right hand, a design quite similar but with smaller diameter of bamboos. It seems we are preparing to cut something because there is a sword to the ground
Tubes like no others.
We are stunned to see the imagination and the ability of so-called "primitive" peoples. In this said Paul Emile Victor film, I saw a native drill a stick of at least five feet, with a long stem, simply holding it upright and turning the "drill" by rolling it back and forth between his palms.
He succeeded and, without further guidance, to make a perfectly straight hole that opened in the middle to the exit.
The finishing followed, then the manufacture of arrows, no less thorough.