hibis, the reality, nothing else.

hibis   Curiosity.
  • Theme summary
    •  architecture, arts and technics
      frontages and houses - fountains, campaniles, sundials, wall paintngs.. - bildings, towers, other housing -
      ancient constructions, art objects- religious edifices and religions
      technics and materials, evolving - arts works, huge sizes
    •  surprising, funny (or not)
      city and nature, street signs, plates and placards, shops, trade, humans, animals, foods, vehicules, arts, things, habits and faith.
    •  Science and Technics
      first things. numbers, percentages, slopes, angles - forces and composition - energy, mass, speed - liquids - pressure, temperature..    -    Life just visible or too tiny, complex and créative world - birth.. - atoms - univers - to wonder ?    -    electricity batteries, lightings, electric current, (electro)magnetism, gigantism - électrostatic - dangers..  data technology..
  • global summary

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this page,  physics -The world and the life 2 French

Thank you very much for your interest. Be kind in respecting both my choices and my developments.

The living world (perception, communication, socialisation..) universe

Perception ; the communication; one believes thinking in full independence, in any impartiality; however, two observers facing each other with an apple between them will swear, the first that it is green and the second that it is red ! (communicatiion training). One can think only through what one sees or what one imagines to see. I precise "imagine" because we are very often subjected to aberrations of perception.

- the view. Two observers placed face to face with an apple between them will swear, the first that it is green and the second that it is red! (course of o be seen can be subject to aberrations of perception, and even without this, if several people are asked what they have seen, there is a risk that they will be appalled by the discordant answers. That's the difficulty of the testimonies and I remember that with my wife, we didn't agree on the color of a car seen a short time ago. Age doesn't help and it's quite destabilizing; who was right? personally, I doubted of myself - but after the fact - because I paid more attention to the model than to the colour, whereas with my wife, I suppose it was the other way around. She so she must have been right, because she didn't know anything about the model. What we think also depends closely on our environment, the time and circumstances, our education finally, in reference to the living environment that has been instilled in us. And morning is not evening. That's how we see things.

Visual aberrations.

If one keep looking at small painted boat, around which one makes quickly turn a disc painted with alternate spirals black and white going towards the edge, when the disc stops, one sees the boat clearly advancing towards oneself or moving away (it acts in this case of a provisional deformation of the retina). We can thus be misled by our sight and our senses, what you will note yourself by looking at the sun at sunset : it suddenly appears much larger (behind trees, a house, it is still better).

Lighting, colors which are opposed, against the light, a disturbing movement, something unusual, distort perception. All is relative: parallel lines barred by a line in skew do not seem parallel any more, one would swear it!
a cut out circle appears larger than the hole of the same circle in the paperboard.

- Lighting, colours that get in the way, a backlight, a disruptive movement, something unusual, distorts perception.

- View angles deceive us, so do partial views. Here is a very simple example: an airship balloongoes quite low above you and moves away in front of you, or a a little biased. If there is a line of trees behind which it disappears, the effect is even more striking, and everyone swears that it goes down and is going to land in the back. However, this is not the case and it is still sailing at the same height. Explanation: as you move away, the angle with the ground below which you see it decreases and therefore the distance to the ground seems to decrease: it is believed to descend. It's also noticeable with an airplane. <

Football. The posts in the guard's cage are seen from a distance, at an angle, which is usually the case. A balloon placed behind the posts appears to be outside.

This impression is the same as for the monitored area of a beach. Placed at a distance and at an angle, we see swimmers who appear - falsely - to be outside the surveillance zone (outside the stakes)

When you look at two identical jet aircraft flying at the same altitude, the ground does not interfere because you have your head in the air and only their relative dimensions are perceptible; the farthest or highest is smaller that the other and most distant may falsely appear simply higher...
Examples of image anomalies. The first example (wheels with blades), shows an aberration of our vision. Enlarge by clicking on it and you will see a wheel that rotates when you look at the other.

The same phenomenon occurs with a single circular and notched/castellated image when it is moved up or down on the screen with the mouse. For example, an alternator.

The second example troubles our understanding because we have trouble doing what is required. It's revealing for anyone who wants to admit it. It seems so stupid, that after you have succeeded in doing so, you clear yourself: "Just do it with care" yes, but...
So here is the exercise: look at an inscription and say its color, not what is written!  the temptation to say what who writes is strong because although the exercise has been understood, a conflict arises between the right side of our brain and the left side, all two specialized (meaning, color).

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator A frame hung close to a line in skew (wall, decorations), appears banking although its vertical positioning is perfect.

A bird which plunges and trap the fish whereas it is not where it sees it, makes automatically the necessary angle correction. It is not the brain which guide it because the man have to calculate for that !   see "liquids, the water and the sight experiment of the broken stick). The fish which jumps out of water to catch the insect made the same correction  !

The education of our brain makes us imagine what does not exist and misleads us if the circumstances allow it: an example? depth perception; numerous exercises exist on the subject showing clarly how our interpretation is distorted (recognition of objects); it is enough to trace or to paint some reducing lines and we see the relief where all is flat. According to experiments, where we see in relief, a "primitive" man sees only one incomprehensible flat drawing. And it is true for us : where some believe seeing the inside of a box, other see the outside of a cube ! 

The difficulty in collecting reliable testimonys is revealing fact : with total honesty, nobody saw the same thing. What one thinks depends closely on our environment, the moment and the circumstances, our education finally, by reference to the framework of life which has been given to us. And morning is not evening.

 Our education imprisons us within a framework of life ; when a problem exceeds this framework, intelligence and instruction are useless because one goes merryround. A problem of points to be connected each other illustrates this blocking. The epoch we are living, with its  materials and spiritual goods available, also conditions us: the cave man could not think at transistors and we cannot either imagine the very distant future; we are at another stage but that's all. An example of blocking: the man studies the infinitely wide one and the infinitely small one but he locate himself exactly between both of them as for the center of the world among Greeks ! and what's worse, below a certain size, he consider it is not any more the world, which is quite convenient. So, crushing tiny million insects while rolling or while going, is a benefit for humanity !

What sees of the universe a virus, a microbe, a flea ?  here are awkward questions it is better not to put up. They see another world ! would a telescope make them apprehend our body ? certainly not.  The scale and time effects are terrifying; on the scale of the atom or electron, we are a galaxy of stars, empty and transparent. This is why the radiations cross us so easily and this is why nothing is truly proof, neither glass, nor metal, which in addition absorbs stains and odors (at molecular scale); better not to think at it,  to continue to live both with a healthy body and spirit !  as for time time, some organisms live only a few seconds, certain trees 1500 years. Better is worth not to think at it, in order to continue to live with healthy body and  spirit !

We generally can't oppose the general thought both recognized and conveyed by the whole society. Any innovation too disturbing  is by principle rejected by the very whole society ; we learned that studying the Middle Ages ! ;  one call not into question without any precaution what is admitted by all of us for a long time : it is thus a regular reaction of self-defence against an aggression.  A word of a French General summarizes that: "one has always wrong to be right too early". The least contestable subjects are those which are linked to the belief and to a certain extent with the science (which is placed a little in our imaginary); we are back to our reptilian brain.

The communication ; animals all communicate gesturally, and by the exchange of sounds. They could y have other means but the man does not know them or even cannot identify them for himself (other waves, electromagnetic, ultra sounds, unknown fields).

One has discovered that under the sea, the communication of whales, belugas and perhaps dolphins, would be possible through very very long distances, from one end to another of an ocean perhaps. They would make profitable kinds of corridor formed by layers of water of different temperatures or salinity which would channel the waves.
During a radio transmission, a veterinary surgeon explained to a listener if his canary sang, it was because it called his "girl friend". It is undoubtedly true in this case. For us, birds sing, they do not speak. But, how to explain the exchange of "songs" we assist in our garden, between the two blackbirds of a couple, which "expressed" one after the other and without never butting in (interrupting) ? The sounds, of a great complexity, were never the same ones. Another example, how to explain these three short cries, at the time of a gathering of gulls to the Large Mound, whereas we observe this immense ballet, who immediately made form a column which moved away at once? A song? not, an awaited, known order and differentiated well from general noise. I keep this record.

The listening. What internally think or feel an interlocutor at the time one addresses oneself to him, i.e. its immediate concerns, completely condition its comprehension ; "he's not listening" is revealing of this fact, because the person which speaks does not understand this distraction. If the interlocutor is cold, feel not well, slept badly, does not have time, had an argument, he is is not ready to listen to you and you will not be heard; it is thus necessary to be able to get the interest from him and it is not easy, especially between opposite sexes which live in completely foreign worlds or almost (one does not even agree with the colors!); this is why publicities must be so drumming, even idiots (young woman in panties for a yoghourt, explosions for a mineral water or a chocolate). One very often hears what one wishes to hear and not what is said to us, because the sentences are heard through filter of our designs, knowledge or thoughts of the moment. The result is that one answers aside; the political debates are very revealing of this operation. The listening is good only if the interlocutor well is laid out and interested, i.e. if it can himself get advantage from it. At the contrary case, he feels interrested by courtesy. By distrust or protection, the idea of the other is very often ignored or disputed. With great numbers, this mechanism leads rather curiously to a balance close to the 50, 50, which is checked with each election.There is listening only if the interlocutor is well minded and interested in, i.e. if he can itself draw an advantage from it. In many cases, he seems interested by courtesy. We live each one in a world which is not that of the others. Only our material or moral interests can be shared occasionally. If our education and the life in society often force our natural resistances, it is only superficial and a serious event (accident, war, danger, hunger) will quickly get all bursted.

Living in group; all animals live in group for two vital reasons: they seek the same food and it is essential for their reproduction. They also live in organized groups (lions, elephants, monkeys, penguins.) or at the top of the scale, in society (bees, ants, termites). The man reached these steps for the same reasons. Animals often live in symbiosis with other animals and plants. Example: the fish "labre" cleans the fish which present themselves at its service station ! a gestural makes it possible to agree. See also "fish are extraordinary"

Education; education imprisons us within a framework of life; If a problem exceeds this framework, the intelligence and the instruction are not any more any utility because one turns in round. A problem of points to be connected between them illustrates this blocking. The epoch we live, with its average material and spiritual means available, also conditions us: the cave man could not think at the transistors and we cannot more imagine the very distant future; we are at another stage but that's all, definitely. An example of blocking : the man studies the infinitely broad one and the infinitely small one but he position himself exactly between them, like the Greeks who thought of being of the center of the world!   and there is worse: below a certain size, he considers that it is not any more his world, which is quite convenient. Crushing millions tiny insects while driving or while walking, is a good thing for humanity !

The well educated man and his religion had first of all classified the human as being "the supreme being having not anything in commun with the remainder of the alive beings". Even the "savages" were not men, nor the blacks : they was animals and that was taught by intelligent beings, best of the society; it was as well convenient, very advantageous and everyone thus took pleasure to believe in it. It was not so long ago and those which used to say "it was before, there is a long time" first of all seek to be cleared of and to convince themselves they have reached a stage of civilization of an incomparable perfection. Their certainty, to the height of their illusions, relegate them in fact to the same level that these ancestors from which they try to be detached.
Obviously, nothing really has ever changed in the content of the things and one always intends to protest "that never again", proof that all remains
. Intolerance even seems to make a worrying come back with the politically correct, and lots of verbal interdicts on such or such community, so and so.  And nothing is going to change as long as our tiny beings won't change themselves, that is to say as long as the live is based on the death. That is to say, for ever.

On quote cases of children broughr up among animals (man is good); they growled, showed their teeth and behaved like them, without expressing any particular intelligence, no standing upright. The man has a large brain, certainly, large aptitude, certainly, but it is empty if nothing is inculcated to him. The innate one, which makes beat wings at a oisillon to take its first flight, did not transmit at human the knowledge to count or read, neither to stand upright ! certain scientific studies are remainder upsetting : "can the lions count" ? why not bugs ? ;  yes and not, answers the expert, they "would appreciate" up to ten ! but a child cannot count and we don't know if it would appreciate up to ten !  The members of a tribe of Amazonia cannot count beyond two: they do not need this knowledge and if they had needed for it, they would have developed it.
Here thus another factor determining: the need. We know it well, that it is artificial (gifts, distractions.) or vital (food, work, safety, incomes, children.). The increase in volume of our brain may be could relates more to the memory than the intelligence. If we appreciate the behaviour of some high gifted people, which have a gigantic memory and faculties out of the common, by the rightness of their remarks, their standpoint or theirs decisions, on have the right to sustain that. Without having their aptitudes, and at different degrees, we all are similar, we musn't forgot that; all of us directed by our "tiny beings" from the bas of ages.

How long to educate it, to form it, so that he/she can "reflects (very conventionally) ? 10, 20, 30 years sometimes of intensive studies. About half of the life. Animals learn slowly but surely from the man. Perhaps they will surprise us a day, like the child who starts speaking suddenly because he feels ready, being in possession of a sufficient vocabulary. We are at the end of the species, that's all. If you never saw somebody, seemingly normal, but who does not understand almost anything of what he must carry out and makes and makes everything crossed, then I would understand your agitation reading this. I do not mistake anybody and we must help those they aren't gifted enough ; however being afraid of the truth and mask it wrongfully is the worst thing. It is true that faculties of acquisition are transmitted, but there has it more than at time of the war of fire, or at the most moved back times is true? nothing is less sure. One would not make a bridge so technical if one had not launched the first millenia ago, of which that of a Chinese genius found on paintings, fact of extraordinary and elegant assembly of beams. These unimaginable electronic circuits would not be carried out if the station with crystal had not been discovered. Because only the accumulation of knowledge allow it; we will never invent the technology of the future.
Without the "huge memory", certain animals haven't got such aptitudes ? In a herd of cows, not really famous for their intelligence quotient, there are astonishing rules and low blows for those which derogate from their social position. Each one must hold the position which it undoubtedly gained by the force and the intelligence. One cuts theirs horns to avoid wounds;  I saw some knocking each other while returning from the field for retrieving a lost position. All of them position according to rules' that each defend constantly as long as she can do. Afterwards, she finishes last of the herd. Perhaps because all is not so clear : like in our human society, some of them, neither weaker nor less intelligent, can be satisfied enough with a position of withdrawal. It is well-known that some "dominated" direct the decisions of the dominant ones, which have a great need for it.

Symmetry and orientation ; we bear inside ourself a problems of symmetry, sometimes difficult to solve and it is not rare to get completely lost in a symmetrical place compared to the usual place (example, two identical apartments, but symmetrical). That can lead to bad feeling; there are people who always put all at back, because it is the normal direction for them (example, a shirt on a curved coat rack). There are already both right-handed and left-handed person, which "do not turn in the same direction".  It is not rare to say to somebody: on the right! and to see the other leaving on the left (however he knows very well where is the right). Looking at a plan put on at random compared to the direction of the glance hampers the comprehension of the plan; it should be turned in the right looking and then you can see people pointing their harm right and side and left because it's not clear ; much of people do not understand plans.  At the contrary, there is be some symmetry in us, something we have learn how to make with our right hand and that one know automatically reproduce with the left hand, which has not been educated; example : I personnally write right to left with my left hand with the same writing that with my right hand (which has only learned !) and you can surely make out the the same thing. Our comprehension depends on many factors which have nothing to do with knowledge, the culture or the intelligence.

Universe.   Gravitational waves. The attraction of bodies, which bond us on the ground or that we watch by the orbits of the stars, planets or our satellites, would be due to gravitational waves. This theory frees great hopes for if we could release ourselves from these waves, one would weigh nothing at all and we could in theory escape in the cosmos without spending the huge launching energy.
The forces applied by the gravitational waves are very weak, but their range is infinite: one needs significant masses to obtain a perceptible result (the mass of the ground on us) and in this case, the effect is exerted at distance which one pains to concretize (years of light, see physical 1, this bas).

Negative aspects of the things preferably attract our attention more, which is undoubtedly normal. The bad acts get the first page of the newspapers because we are awaiting them. They represent however only one small proportion of the facts of the life, but is worrying us, especially at a time when the degradation of our environment is perceived as worsening. In fact, the life is  much more balanced than it it is thought, and in the whole alive world, one count much more mutual aid and associations that misdeeds and slaughters. It is probable that humanity distinguished itself frankly,  boosted by its materials and mechanicals means, and so get detached gradually from the "wild" life, event our specie will never physiologically accept.

Humankind and society

This second part can appear very far away from the previous developpment ; it is not ; it is not either a political left or right criticism or all other fact against our societyy. Even less the expression of an exacerbated pessimism. It only concretizes what has been just expressed here above, referring to the reality of our day to day life, to express that the human being is the last link of the animal, or supposed to be, it is completely comparable to him in its behaviors, which have millions if not three billion years. Because what constitutes us all, from the largest to the tiniest, are the microscopic wich did not change.

When their needs become so pressing, do children are not too much in a hurry to benefit from our goods ? (situation yet described in "Sinoué the Egyptian"). Why are we lying, why do we accept the clothing can be manufactured under terrible conditions, often by kids, who will leave there their health, their sight and perhaps their life for a handle of dollars per month; do you have seen these children crawling inside long bowels of unconsolidated mines ? In the mines of Ukraine, one works with one kilometer of depth for 50 euros per month. In other places, the income by anybody is yet much low. Less than one euro per day ; sometimes nothing which can be evaluated out of money. So much so that children are collecting tiny crumbs of I do not know what, directly on the ground, to nourish themselves, or die of inanition in the arms of their mother.

"Never that again"  is only an insane illusion of people who think being able to adjust the Life at their sufferings. The Life however has shown the vanity of that. Since always and forever. Man has got a power that make him he think he is able to control the Life itself.  But life is a merry go round of milliards and milliards and milliards ... of microscopics.  Note (US = billions). No way to counter that.

Animals have all the same behaviors because they are related to the life and its requirements.
Appropriations, thiefs, traps and lures, lies to survive or arrive at its envy, intimidations, wounds or murder to get rid of the too cumbersome or dangerous intruders. What we do not understand, including those which practises these things and which minimize them, are lownesses, cruelty, atrocities, sadism, tortures, cuttings-up, anthropophagic, rapes of children or worse, babies.


- A congolese is stopped between Zambia and Zimbabwe; she went to South Africa with 12 children aged from 1 to 13 years, bought for various expectations, house work, traffic of bodies, prostitution. (July 2005).
Genetic engineering is made without the tests nor the cautions of time which would be normally required in such a case (drugs for example).

- OGM ; scientific tests are manifestly shortened, their results minimized and ignored whereas they should be published. It is an economic affair and strategic which is classified in secrecy of state.

 - One kill for nothing, divert big amount of money, torture, rape.. They are exceptional cases will you say, and they have existed for ever; that's true, but their soaring is woorrying us, even if some of us deny their reality. Desorder, like unemployment, or hunger, always led people to the worse.


Evolving of the society.

Trade and its universalization ; it is from the very beginnings of humanity that men exchanged their resources against those they did not have: drink, metals, stones with fires, and later salt, spices, semi-precious stones, silk, invaluable wood, manufactured objects etc; at the the time of the gathering and hunting; there was trade ! and war also (that of fire, water or the lands).
In New Caledonia, kanaks of the mountains exchanged their resources (tree trunks to dugout, drink, fibrous barks and plants for baskets and clothing), with those of the plains (palms, breadfruit trees, culture of the yam, fish, shells.). Consequently, one attends the first steps of what one says nowadays the whole world trade, with its merchants and its palaver. Practised flong ago by tribes, agriculture was quickly essential on a large scale (officially, it would be originating in Anatolia, where would have been born by need for the trade, the languages known as "Indo-European"). With the practice of the breeding which followed, one defines what we call the "primary" sector (farmers, fishermen, stockbreeders, craftsmen undoubtedly).

Craft industry and alterations of the products and materials ; these very old activities still remain nowadays. Animals of wich the man discovered very early the property of plants. Men extracted from them drugs : it is the first chemistry ! The work of wood, of metals, the treatment of fibres, of leather, the dyeing, the discovery of substances and products like the tanin or the soap (*), belong to a preindustrial world. Never must we to forget that                 (*) comes from the Middle-East (Lebanon?) and led to the said "Marseille or household soap"  (oil becomind soap by a treatment called "saponification").

production of food supplanted by the services

 The progression of the techniques has made lose the producers of food and goods first place, now in hands of industrialists (secondary industry), who fill the cities and empty the campaigns. They will lose themselves their importance, outdistanced by managers,  administrative ones and myriad of suppliers of services composing the tertiary sector (the number of people necessary to produce a good being decreasing regurarly). At the same time, the requirements in any kind for the company diversify, solicited by a rocketing and renewed offer  at a quasi irrational pace.

With the advent of the tertiary sector (all that does not produce a food or goods), the gap between the vital needs "primary" for the man and his real living conditions increases (the decision-making centres, protected and secured, are far away from the reality of the others which they cannot understand any more). Urbanization complicates greatly the difficulties ; where a small population installed on large grounds could find subsistence, one needs a complex organization to feed an important density of inhabitants and to evacuate their waste; the most crucial problem is that of the water, which it is necessary going to seek very far, treating and distributing. Some countries control the water of other country located downstream. It is a very conflicting situation.
As at the zoos where one must learn animals how to reproduce themselves because they do not see any more facts of the natural Life, the modern man is blind
and must call upon multiple "advisers", whose do not know more than him most of the time. But he believes in it and clings to it as to many buoys.
Where an Indian looks at the motions of his baby and consequently modifies the food despite his limited resources, the modern man, higher and educated calls upon a nutritionist. He is cut from the Life. Who can say how we must nourish ourselves ? isn't this the fact of our only responsibility?
The acquisition of animals in any kind, the coming back in  small cities or villages, more convivial and close to nature where problems seem not to have the same acuity, the rebuilding of old houses or in the worst case the historical reconstitution, are revealing our deficiencies. No need for sociologist, urban architect or else. Most of the time, they help themselves for their good sake.
Who never wanted to climb a tree, to reach the top of it ? all kids initially, girls included and us too. It is so true that hotel trade proposes from now on huts in the trees ! our needs are primary.

Urbanization and the great property.;  infrastructure, city

 promiscuity, loss of contact with the fundamental elements of the life, difficulties isolate oneself if necessary, funnelling on pre-established ways,  this completely artificial environment alters the vision of the things and complicates all ; People can seldom see the daylight, got up early in the winter, they plunged at once in the subway to arise in a building, while passing by an underground shopping mall.

It is the all neon. Many does not have any more the pleasure of looking at sunset or at stars, the horizon being hidden and the light of the city too strong. Even less to pass in a forest or along a river.

Children think that a fish is this agglomerated rectangular lump unwrapped of the paperboard and vision of the animals or the farm that inculcates the media or the shows to them is denatured if not caricatured.
Fortunately books are still there, instructive and generally well designed, but not read by all of us. Without concretization, they remain in any event in a imaginary world.
Districts where very modest people lived peacefully thirty years ago became "difficult" districts because of a too strong immigration evolving into communautarism. Those which are kept aside of progress do not satisfy any more from their condition. Poor have become poor wretches.
This milieu which obviously produces conflicts, is in addition managed by those which do not live there; the progress which should be a positive regulating element, adds at the contrary its own constraints; then, frustrations become insupportable for some people.

Big cities and large properties deprive people from natural space which would belong to nobody  (referring to our ancestors which were sharing all the expenses before our total domination) ;  it is a whole vital side of freedom of living and going about which has fallen ;

The lack of free nature available and the absence of passages making it possible to go to shortest way or why not make a mere U-turn, are at the top of the heaviest constraints. The motorway and the railroad divide space in two. In the cities, the blocks of buildings drawn up on several hundred meters are also perceived like such. For an ancestral or vital passage removed, people are pushed to kill. Former little paths between or inside large properties, are no longer imposed by the local power and disappear. Facing the need for tourism, one tries however to restore some of them and it is a good thing.
This principle is so obvious that anywhere the animals can, they go straight ahead ;the human animal don't escape this rule, whence some fence put down, lawns trampled on.  How can animals ignore our right to the land ?  they go and come at home as they want to ;  they are crushed on our roads, invade airport fields, our garden, our houses. We are trying to exterminate them, but we fail, fortunately of course because we could well end up with them;  the Chinese which got exterminating birds so keen on crops, had to quickly import a lot of them from Europe  for they were invaded by insects much more terrifying !  
Try to go and explain to the neighbour's cat to go away or to the fly and the spider you are at home ?  We will never be able to impose us in front of the chips, plant louses, lice, mites, bugs, cockroaches, cockchafers, towards, snails, moles, rats, hedgehogs, rabbits, grasshoppers, pigeons and birds in all kind with their excrements; and so much of others without speaking what is well too small to be considered.
A humorist wrote "I live my dog home".

Never the architectural example of the Grande Motte, concrete city for much, has ever been quoted; we discovered there a good quality of living like there is nowhere else; original buildings with terraces in pyramid which free the sky, shaded streets, passages between or under buildings which make it possible "to cross" almost everywhere,  with the discovering at random a small square or a shop, numerous concrete blocks on the edge of pavements where you can occasionnaly sit down, several parks with lawns planted of trees where one can picnic (people come there from outside in weekends). Since, a few of this unrestricted passage was closed for safety. The example remains. 


Evolution of the the food 

The anarchistic increase of the human population force our specie to practise the breeding (marine and terrestrial) and the culture (marine and terrestrial) to nourish itself. One give the term "savages" "normal" species. One plans from now on to nourish fish of the marine farms with algae from marine farms, because the sea does not provide anymore sufficient quantities of what one takes to nourish them (plankton, krill), collected well beyond what an army of whales could consume. The USA consume already more than 50 % of  breeding fish. The problem is not really the breeding itself but the methods and the concentration with which it is practised :  fish live almost without oxygen, swallowing as many excrements as antibiotics and true (?) food. But the problem does not vanish, because it is admitted that 3 to 4 kilos of wild fish are necessary to produce1 kg of fish of breeding!  in addition, one destroys joung fishes, plankton, krill.. One thus thought of breeding herbivorous fish (little appreciated) or worse feeding our current breedings with algae of sea farms algae (it is serious !).

The terrestrial breeding is also perverted;  animals do not move anymore but one shows you on TV beautiful fields and cows grazing. It can be true partially, especially for milk production, by caws which with their enormous udders produce as much water than cream.
France "has been pinned" for its goose breeding in cages which completely surround them like a salade shaker. Europe requires of us to let to them be able to beat wings ! and the consumer makes fun about it. I have just learned that the chickens without label cannot even wlak and remain prostrate on the ground; a proportion dies fault of being able to nourish themselves. It is a nightmare, how can we be so barbarian.

Our fishmonger in our village made an excellent brandade of cod until the day when we bought to him a kind of sticky mashed potaties without taste. Questioned, it answered us: "I tried to find some because I am obliged to rebuilt all my kitchen so that it meets the standards of cleanliness ; that is not worth the sorrow. I stop the prepared dishes ". Do they compare he to a back spot of Chinese with some meat rotting on the  ground? (according to a TV broadcast on Chinese raviolis). Well, here is the choice, disgusting, infamous but clean food, cheers Mc Do. Could they be far away from any critic their big suppliers of food and their meat providers ?.
Everything could seem perfect, if I did not read an item where people were wondering about the brittleness of the young children, of which their allergies which grow in a worrying way and there what I do read? "one questioned " (medical profession, dieticians) on the fact that would perhaps come from the extreme cleanliness of the school canteens, the dishes, etc. One walks on our head (French ewpression).

The agriculture has long selected the most profitable species (not the best) and lots of  varieties due to the mixing of the populations, source of the life, have disappeared. The cloning will accentuate this perverse effect. the plants coming from research are watered, fattened, treated to death ; not less than 17 chemical  products for the cereals which make carry a mask or almost a diving-suit to the farmer ; accelerators, ripener, retarders, weeding, anti-insects, dyes, anti-this anti-that; the seedlings considered have all the same height and all of the same brittleness; the poppies do not push long time any more, nor goldfinches, these beautiful coloured birds, because there are no more thistles in the fields. Another example, the golden delicious apple of the Limousin. It profits from the AOC label although it is badly adapted to the wet climate of this French area. The number of treatments is confidential but is estimated at forty per annum (the investigation of the SCESS of 1996 counts 32 of them: 10 insecticides, 18, fungicidal, 2 weedings, 2 chemical clearings). Against the tavelure (black stains), frightening products are used because "systemic" (are in the fruit, conveyed by the sap). Useless to peel it !

There practically no longer wild plants, like this coffee of Etiopie collected in the bush of altitude, under the shade of the trees, by some unhappy mans which cannot earn their living from. The worst has been arriving for long from Holland : under artificially lit greenhouses, seedlings push without ground, in an artificial substrate in which circulates a nutritive "juice" (do not seek in there millionth gram of trace element !). We are going to be feed ourselves with coloured food, testy perhaps, but which will not nourish any more.

Outside season, considerable vegetables and fruits are irradiated. Not with radioactive elements, but they pass in powerful electromagnetic fields kind of microwave, which will destroy about all, excepted the ouside sight !  So, no strawberries in winter and in general, no "fresh" fruit and vegetables outside season.

Evolution of the man.

Backlash induce by our side course with our "wild" life. "The function creates the body"; and suppress it. The childbirth will become impossible because of  in the increasing size of the baby head (it is said that we are born already premature at 9 months). The human baby is the only one who must be bring up a long time after the birth. In addition to the problems of teeth, one more and more often observes that the jaw is not enough large to receive the thirty two teeth and that it is necessary to remove some of them; the hair follows the same process "of uselessness". The whole of the body loses its musculature and the physical defect of activity puts out of order all the organization and its exchanges. The handicap which one cannot alter gains field. Young people are born with diseases from old man.

Human cloning; under pretext that nature makes changes and that we practice seedlings (of which flowers), plants and animals are going to be created by directly modifying the codes of the molecule of ADN (genetic engineering). France has claimed this work on people "crime against the human being". For how long ? we will not escape from it long. Simply imagine that one manages to cure kind of some disease and everyone will want some without any feeling for what could occue later. Offer and demand will make the law very quickly and we won't be able to ban what will occur elsewhere in the world.  That will occur like the naked breast story at the beach ; at the beginning one sent the cops for the ladies to covering themselves the top and after, it would be almost the reverse !   finally, people in a certain manner and by his obstinacy, make the law.

Size and evolution : the Mexicans we met were of small size; according to the guide, it was due to food: I added also the hardness of working there, because it is proven that the young formed musculature can block the growth (exemples in athletics). Then a friend said to me "now one makes sport and one grows"; yes, a little sport for some of us but one parks themselves in front of the institute and one goes up out with the elevator ! in former times, a moverman had to climb a scale with more than 100 kg on the shoulder and a peasant usually practised it during several hours; one made the 35 hours in less than three days and it is obviously not the same thing than to perspire half an hour looking at at calories meter  !  
It was excessive and inhuman and is still for the majority of people,  physically or psychically, to a lesser extent for the rich countries. It is agitation which gains unfortunately our children. Few animals are exploited or made them exploited themselves to satisfy excessive needs. In our society, if we are still during a moment, one feels guilty !

The mankind of the rich countries grows unceasingly and women complain from now on to fit a big shoe size. At the Olympic Games of Athena (August 2004), a Russian tennis woman was 2,14 meters high.  A baseball player, who seemed only strong built on the TV weighed 120 kg.
Until where will we go ? it is a serious problem, for the dimension of all that we use (lodging, clothing, technologies, food and all that one cannot imagine yet). But the people size in USA would be a bit decreasing (isn't it due to the latino invasion ?) while german (average of 1,80 metre) can't fit anymore inside emergency cars or their beds.
indexed records: The largest man; The USA, 1918 -1940 ; at 5 years, 1m 65 (48 kg) ; at 11 years, 2m (95 kg) ; at 22 years, 2m72 for 199 kg . It still grew at its death (22 years). Feet of 47 cm, hands of 32,5. The largest, Chinese woman 1964 -1982: 2m48 (147 kg), 1m56 at 4 years. Feet of 35,5 cm, hands of 25,5. They are disorders there, but it proves that it is possible and perhaps is this the evolution which currently occurs, slowly but surely.

Dinosaurian wouldn't they also have disappeared because getting too big weight ? and their number couldn't  comparable with that already reached by the human ones.

A dangerous shift between production and services. Certain incomes have no longer any connection with the work done and given service.
Barter was practised by need or in order to acquire desired food products and materials; the exchanges were not inevitably fair but it was the production work which was paid (fishing, hunting, manufacturing) - see tribes in New Caledonia, searching Paul Block. Very quickly, of the intermediaries intervened in the negotiation: first of all for transport, storage and distribution, then for the regulation, justice with its police force. From this moment the things skidded, the intermediaries holding a quasi absolute capacity and fixing themselves their remuneration. Today, some gains of fortunes on a phone call when the producers live subsidies which the capacity wants to grant to them well. However on them always our life, our future and very often our health depend, in spite of the "food complements" which one malhonnêtement seeks to make us consume in the form of various seals and drugs: one compares them to food but in need does not have because all is normally in our food, free. Except with the methods of culture without ground and industrial breeding. The loop is buckled. The brittleness which the concentration of the food production has is ever approached. After the last war, France was hungry but but the population could survive thanks to the innumerable farms of our country. The farms disappear little by little, except with the tele reality where one can see pretty pink and quite clean pigs! Essentially, it is not any more of the farms but factories with strong output, the grounds reserved for agriculture and the traditional breeding being reduced like skin of sorrow. What is it envisaged if these factories stop? where "overpopulation" find will its food?


Great questioning.   - Does the animal has a soul/heart  ?  like the man of course !   according to the real Bible, that of YHV (Jehovah), it seams to be yes. And the soul die with them and temporally with us (until the last great judgement). From the man, may be yes, me be not. The man is not an animal, is it ? .. if it's better for your psy. I don't bother, specially if you have courageously read down to this line.

 - Does the animal has a moral ?  like the man of course !  the Bible seemingly don't care. From the man, may be yes, me be not. The animal is not a man, is it  ?  but if you consider the moral of the man, it mustn't do plain sailing for animal either.

August, 2004 ; Does the animal has a moral ? a French scientific magazine has devoted its entire monthly issue to this subject. I hope next time it will release an issue to the mankind  moral.

In the book "Sinoue the Egyptian", the author yet quoted calculations and perversity of people; do not seek the origin of it : it goes up with the creation of the Life, based on the death. A contradiction which will clutch in us forever. What can make us recognise respect or a moral behaviour in the animalkind is most often only uselessness to kill.  If the ants could get kalachnikov, they probably wash away all the beings of our planet. Excepted microscopic ones.

Would the wealthy mediums, the intellectuals, the monks have more morals?  it does not seem so : the products consumed by the rich person are made under the same conditions and sometimes worse; they practise the slavery of their employees they don't pay much and steal in luxuous hotels (gilded taps, dressing gowns, carpet, frames). The monks ransacked molluscs to obtain the colour crimson or their stoups; they get forests shaved to build cathedrals, temples or mosques (needed enormous amount of wood) and strongly requested the money of the people and even distributed indulgences by which one could exonerate his sins while paying ; let us note that justice releases with payment of guarantee, which appears also amoral to me; the monks seem delivered to the defects of the communities folded up on themselves. Is that morals ?

What we generally prefer to read in the newspapers, see on films or watch on TV, they are accidents, murders, disasters, scandals.
The detective novel was only the peaceful precursor of all that one can see from now on; films of massacres or terror, sharp sex reality, re-examined people magazine.  Doesn't the horrible begin at our early age with one of these frightening stories, at evening, before going to bed ? nobody notices it. (I know the French ones, try to remember in your own country).

Here some extracts of the interview of a philosopher on the evolution of violence; in (France Inter, October 21, 2004)  "the images of violence create an emotion, a fate of the life; it is the raw material of the topicality because we are petitioning it; violence according to Plato is related to courage" ; " the manufacture and the sale of weapons were never also flourishing, but by selling weapons, one exports violence"; "the economic interests of the countries justify the use of the weapons"; "why offering a sword to the academician?"
"the initial reaction in front of a foreigner is not hospitality but the hostility"
(which this one is there, what is it doing, it does seem to have an honest face; the foreigner first is always shown, by convenience and cowardice).

"It is necessary to act on the violence so that it does not become a right, a way of life" (it is the case of a minority in sensitive districts known for that, but one also sees it on the street with the regular citizens, and it is exacerbated by motorists : for a simple parking slot, one can die!).
"The man cannot conceive violence without the assistance of God, whom it thus represents viol
ent" (except Bouddha, which teaches a philosophy, although Buddhists come to assassinate Christians in Indonesia at the time when I type this text). Even in the districts, one refers to the Coran to justify the maltreatment on the girls, sometimes monstrous. . Didn't a father kill his daughter on the name of the religious law ?


There is fortunately so much kindness in this world, people responsible, active, generous, devoted to good causes and who, as well as possible will repair the indifference and the damage of others. Let us be clear, I do not speak about those which save the planet on the TV or in great international conferences.    "noise does not make the good, the good does not make noise"..
An American president was alarmed owing to the fact that an organization created for humanitarian help would consume hundreds of million dollars under its sole administrative expenses !!

The catholic religion said: "God came down on this eath to help the man to wash his sins", but on the ground, nothing can be done because the man (Adam) had bad behaviour for ever. We only have to support the assistance of God while waiting for the last judgement.
However, all religious history, Jewish or Christian, described violence (treachery, punishments, murder); the sculptures of the cathedrals abound of characters step pressing heads and carrying swords. The Islamic religion fixes all the rules of life until the deepest of the homes, manages the society and declares other religions  impure (but it is not alone); according to the reading which has to be made, all the planet is to be subjected at it. Bouddhiste philosophy tries to approach, ordeal after ordeal, level after level, a spiritual state which must bring the delivery of the terrestrial environment where all is badly and pain. But is this really its finality ? one can doubt it.


The moral comes first from the Life; it is not worth while to kill nor to steal without need; however, some birds will steal the nest or the decorations patiently assembled by others and the cat plays with the bird or the mouse he caught ; ants practice the greenfly breeding  and species become invading under the effect of a too significant temporary multiplication (the human one is not far back).

Morals it is not the same one for all of us. A Rumanian who gains 150 € a month (it is a rich person for these abandoned children of Quito, of Vietnam or besides), does not see things like that which get ten times more, with a whole heap of facilities and welfare benefits. 

It is not the same according to whether one is hungry or not, that one needs taking drugs, alcohol or not.

Does morals can be dictated by the monk? should it be confused for us, the European Christians (it what created Europe), with the seven sins ? in the USA (Christian Protestants), the abortion, which is the great cause of national dissension, is banned. In France, it is accepted but loosely (latency which leads to heavier interventions or refusal). Some doctors refuse it in spite of the law. In other European country, it is more flexible and fast; it is a trade.
On the other hand, the contraceptive pill is accepted everywhere. It is not more moral since one prevents the creation of the Life to devote itself to the pleasure without risk (all things considered lust).

Morals is evolutionary. The well being generally leads to an easing of morals. The naked breast at the beach or on the pages of magazines are rather representative. It is enough that the community decides it (without being able however to prevent one strong opposition). With my neighbours, my friends, my next in general, I have a morals; provided that they do not disturb me too much. It is exactly the same for the racism.

Morals is dictated by the needs the Life, and more precisely by the life in large societies : it is evolutionary. Respecting it depends on the incurred risk, of the desire and of the threshold which one accepts to trespass. the same questions are unending; the increase in population and the urbanization complicate them. A religious revival, facing conquering religions, like was ours in the past, is not to be excluded.

Great difficulties await us and one sees them well pointing everywhere (resources water, energy, poor countries against rich countries, provoqued wars, invasion of rich countries. Morals will do with.


A note of optimism because everything is not negative.   At least for the rich countries.

The life does not retrogress and nobody wants generally nothing to lose:     

"The Nel Armstrong great step for the humanity" by posing the foot on the moon was only a dream, like that of Martin Luther King (about apartheid in the USA, he said "I had has dream"). They are "the small" interventions and inventions which relieve it since always more than the most prestigious ones; that is true in all the poor countries or not, in Africa as in our country. Among the significant improvements for us at the reduction of the working time and the soaring of industrial tool (although one owes him also a new form of slavery and many personal injuries). But I believe the palm goes to the washing machine which freed the woman from a hard labour; the vacuum cleaner also contributed also for a more modest part. The refrigerator, then the freezer, especially made it possible to reduce  losses of food. The sacred holy car, just as telecommunications, accelerated overall both the commercial and technological activities, without real profit for the good sake. Look at the big loading starts a tourist ! like Ethiopian writes it: "one does not need all that". Therefore, cars alleviated from heavy loads the man had to bear or move.
Real stories : some senior American quits its famous and powerful "Company", which pays him royally but takes his entire life; he get a mere job as workman in a small company of frames, where he find again an happy way of living. Undoubtedly gained he much money and ensured its future, but all the same, it is extraordinary; this standard case is not so rare over there.  this case standard is not so rare over there.. neither in France where a high rank couple, both very well paid but squeezed by the requirements of their companies (great distribution in Angers for the man, direction secretariat for the woman), get up at  5 am and back home at 9 am, gave up and quit one day and rode their bikes toward India, sleeping in in a tent. Between the precariousness of the poor underpaid working sometimes under conditions which can be worse (health hazard, physical tireness), and the "all degrees" they succeed but which does not really live, which is this society ? it is finally reassuring to see that the man can refuse certain new forms of slavery.

Among us,  some people discreetly refuse the technological society with their manner. They don't bother with all these innovations  that the publicity praises us daily, they attend very seldom stores in spite of a good income and are not well equipped, preferring the walk or the reading to the TV. Those which never have watch, at a time when all is measured at the minute and while never there has been so much wrist-clock in shop windows, appears to sound as a refusal, or the desire for a recovered freedom.

Technical black humour,  from I do not know any more who: "the advantage of having a GPS in the Sahara is that you know where you are going to die.

Benefits which one would not like to lose:
 Ecology; the measurements taken in the industry of some countries are effective and the "French fog", a mix of mist and industrial fumes, that covered many large cities hundred years ago, disappeared (but the coal mines, the blast furnaces, the engines with vapor and the great iron and steel industry also disappeared), the measurements taken on the level of the governments can be effective in great fields, although all must be well weighed (the electric car will consume very polluting batteries (lead or metals and derivatives much more dangerous); their refill will consume radioactive electricity").
Health; the great epidemics are out, just as all other awful diseases; one does not remain handicapped any more after a great majority of body attacks (progression of the prostheses, of regulators or distributors of medicamentous products); one reorganizes the imperfections (repairing surgery with good hopes for the replacement of the skin). Conversely, accidents and handicapping diseases have considerably increased the number of people touched by a heavy incapacity.
Food; the great famines disappeared and it is rather the surnutrition which it is necessary to fight from now on !
Work, economy, currency ;  the sorrow and wear due to the efforts prolonged in the very bad surroundings do not have any more reality : in the mines of the Basque Country, one started work at five am and finished to seven pm ! without going out. The small horses (pottocks) never went up ! the man is good. In the country fields, it was better because one was at least on open air. But one finished there also "broken" and the climatic conditions were most often awful. The machine which, to bring progress to us, made so much suffer or killed, was humanized; among modest people, one benefits now well better from the progress, even if their assembly line workers does not have anything to envy with the film of Charlie Chaplin "modern times"; that made laugh but it is always typical for some few people know it because they never visited factories only the tele watch very occasionally these degrading images, too occupied attending the rich mediums in all the emissions. 

Inequity ; the poor countries, exploited but armed, still pay a heavy tribute to the rich countries; banking institutions like the International Monetary Fund or the World Organization of Trade, created by the rich countries for the benefit of the rich countries, make them sinking  more than they raise them; some countries try from now on to weigh on these institutions and to free themselves from the parity of their currency with the dollar. These countries require the reduction of the "internal" grants specific to the rich countries, which penalize them. The experiment is to be followed.

We think, it's their fault ! partly surely but we destroyed their society, when one did not get to them at the beginning, syphilis, tuberculosis, alcohol or drug (Amerindians, Africans, Polynesians..). At the time of colonies, their population increased too much, but they were as well often cured (epidemics are going back). Which means can they have when rich countries fix the prices, arm the opponents and name their leaders ? one cannot differently have cheap groundnut oil . Rich countries have the disastrous habit to grant some completely unsuited project which makes only the fortune of the organizers ; a colleague of mine told me that in the south Morocan, in Nouakchott, this litigious desertic band , natives had received trucks of radio broadcasting equipped with an extremely expensive material (platinums, professional amplifiers, transmitting etc). After that, they emptied them at once discarding of their contents, thrown in sand, to use them as truck of transport ! elsewhere, transversal hertzian radio connections (the northern Sahel) stopped working for months for fuel fault to the power generating units. The examples alas, pullulate. For any true help, only the small local actions are advantageous for the interested parties (example, to drill a pit and to put a pump, to learn how to make small dams, to cultivate an irrigated a small area, to create and manage a modest co-operative or to overcome the cultural reserves : a negro (it appears that they prefer this word rather than black), started to work like a woman with the sewing machine after long reserves and even accepted the direction of a woman.        "noise does not make the good, the good does not make noise".

 We are not 15 % on the planet to be consuming like in Europe, and still much more in the USA; if all the planetary population were to do as much of that, it would appears needing the equivalent from four to five planets like our for providing energy and materials and evacuating waste. However both India and especially China together "wake up" with more than 2 billion inhabitants compared with less than one billion for both  Europe and North America together. These countries do not have, not more than we had it at the time of our own industrial revolution, the concerns of ecology which we would like them to share with us. The rich countries try to prohibit the countries in the process of development from what they practised with excess in the past (deforestation, industrial pollution.), illustrating this brilliant perfectly thought, "if one had to allow the others doing what one authorized oneself to, the life would be impossible !

The great force of the life is hope;  moreover, things never fold on it is claimed, "while being satisfied to prolong the chart". One said formerly, whereas Paris knew jams by horse-drawn carriages "one is going soon to be invaded  by mountains of droppings". But things like that did not occur because in fact the engines with oil arrived. Therefore, the pollution was not reduced since.

Hope always should be kept because the things never occur as one believes it, "while being satisfied in prolonging the chart". One former said, whereas Paris knew jams by the horse-drawn carriages : "one is going to be invaded soon by mountains of droppings". Nothing like has occurred because in fact engines running with oil have been arrived.
The never ending increase in population must be the great concern, with what follows inevitably, the urbanization.

At the beginning of the Christian era, there would have been 300 million inhabitants, 550 million in the 15th century, 1.3 billion in the 19th, 2.5 billion in 1950, 3.6 billion in 1970, 7 billion soon.

(part from a Voutch's drawing )
Relaxing a bit : Well before the invention of our hair sprays, the caveman  had it already become aware that by cutting flint, it modified the climate (...)

There were lions in Europe and France. And  forests composed with beautiful species which one nimbly replaced by pines; it is easier to set fire to. We almost shaved and all exterminated on our planet, especially the forests (for religious buildings, shipbuilding, dwellings, heating, agriculture, cities) and the remainder followed; conscious of the danger and the weakening of the planet resulting from that, we try to prevent the others from making as we made (Brazil). The exotic wood, of which teak make shave the forests of the large monkeys (orang-utans), our collateral. Considerable animals do not have any more food nor refuge; Pygmies either: they beg along the roads, Pygmies either: they beg along the roads, while for other reasons, Inuits stuff themselves with bad food in front of the TV, so much so that the French man, Nicolas Vannier (trail in the far North) is shown as example by their parents !   Africa strips itself, the jungle of Borneo doesn't exist anymore or almost. One does not believe in it.

However, this vegetable depopulation has surely more responsibility in the reheating of planet than the famous ozone hole whose size appears more politico-scientist than justified by the ozone rejections or other culprits ; the primary (rain) forests, producing both vegetable and animal species (and drugs discovered by "the good savage"), treated enormous quantities of carbon dioxide by producing oxygen, what our forests, cleaned and sterilized, can't do so much. During a broadcast on the canopy in Amazonia ("Hushuaïa "of Nicolas Hulot September 2004), a scientist underlined this idea, occulted because awkward, as well for the scientist community than politics. That statement comforted me.

At the contrary, a scientist recently declared, feeling that the wind of the history could turn, "the man is likely to delay the new ice age"  what a nerve ! (see the ice ages).

However, I  know that there are particles from our cars silencers in the ice of the north pole or waste gas produced by the man, but if you consider gas emanations of the volcanoes like Pinatubo or else, it's not nothing either.  Most astonishing is this last discovery, which would be humorous if it were not serious, is the enormous quantity of methane which would be produced par.. our cows; and the human ones then?  the man makes research only towards the directions more less disturbing and easiest. Let us greet the audacity and the merit of this adventurous researcher.

  Humankind and society.

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