hibis, nothing but reality
That's FUNNY, (or not)
town. monumental,
curiosities, events, placards, shops
nature. trees, stones..
food1, tastes and colors.
What really are our food chemistry,
colorants, additives, chemical flavours.
Water and air.
next, Food 2
The wine regardless oenological process.
beloved toilets
A collection of toilets (rooms) inplausible, surprising, technic, ecologic, stranges, age-old, ancient..
unforgettable moments !
ecological, high-tech, historic.
naturals and pastoral.
royals, archaic, design.
rather special..
for dogs.. and humans - minimalistic.
regulations, hygiene, moralistic.
Jurassic, Cretaceous age - cave/stone age man.
science and scams.
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