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This page,   Life of the lagoon 1 French

Magnificent colours of the tropical marine animals are not really made for humans's pleasure ; they devours each other as much as elsewhere, if not more. Better to know their weapons, sometimes very frightening ! see risks and dangers. Fish, tropical or not have stunning abilities

You will be able to observe the life of the lagoon at the aquarium of Nouméa known around the world.

Our planet: coral reefs shelter 4000 fish species. A film like “Nemo”, innocent and so distracting, has increased the clown fish capture considerably, with the losses which one knows. Fish of decoration are in process of extermination in certain reefs, often for a very provisional egoistic pleasure. Here is another aspect of the ecology which is not approached, the derision of the animal world: it is also the contempt of all that surrounds us, that both makes us live and charms us.
2/3 of edible fish have disappeared from the oceans. 200 million sharks die each year, only for their tail and their fins.


Fishes of the coral reefs are generally short and flat: not shaped for long journey, they can accelerate highly and disappear when diving ! where does could they have been ??

The parrot fish
Can nibble the corals with its beak.

Porcelain " mappa " (geographical)  


Mauresque idol (zanclus cornutus or heniochus:

The troca was with its beautiful mother-of-pearl to finish in buttons of shirt; less, but always exploited.


Murex The animal was crushed to give the color crimson of the cardinals.

" radio " fish. No, it does not emit waves !

Murex " comb-of-Venus "
A delicate shell of collector.

Ray "pastenague" see at the bottom

Amphiprion (clown fish)

Butterfly fish


Butterfly fish
(with a shrimp " nurse " under it, who cleans his wounds 

soap-dish fish, with lattice. Evolution of a specie which protect itself from harpoons. Observe its mischievous air.

Mild nutter ? he has really bad mine and looks a bit rotten.

With this one below, they are inflated! (when they are touched)

In the same way, the fugu (nontropical), inflates and floats belly in the air to mislead the enemy; to see at the end of the page 3 !!

One would give him the God without confession: it is the angel fish.


Imperial angel of sea  

White porcelain. Covered with his coat, one sees only a irregular white tape on his back.






These kinf of fish live with the actinies (sea-anenomes) and remove their waste in exchange of a good protection because this animal-plant is poisonous for the others.


Worms are a bit odds there. They push ut theirs tentacules ot their branchiae

Trumpet fish

Amphiprion (clown fish) Also lives in agreement with the sea anemones


Actinie (Sea-anenome) very urticant for a great numbers of hosts of the sea which it digests readily ! 

Shell empty from a Nautilus.

Not Tropical, not diving

 Open your eyes !   there are plots with small anemones on the rocky Atlantic coasts, in small ponds left at low tide !  

This one is closed  click !  to see it going to deploy open its tentacles.

click ! (continued). We then see the green filaments in the center and points on the purple board. The suction foot is at the top. It distinguishes it by its enlargement.
This one is somewhat larger than the photo shows, the left patella (Chinese hat), gives the size. They are small compared to those of warmer seas.

When they are out of water, or when there is no sun or when they think it is necessary, one can only see a tiny dot in the center, and one wonders what that this rubbery ball could be .

A fish which fools others with a forgery large eye towards the tail.


Fish bird (labre)



Another fish bird

Triggerfish mirror



Sparrowhawk fish, not easy to discover, for it practically does not move.
But it is nothing compared to the stone fish, even more discret.

Nautilus ;
The specie was there 500 millions years ago, but they just have observed its reproduction. Alike its cousins octopuses and squids, this cephalopod has small tentacles and  eyes. by réaction.
To know more
(scratches, moon..)

It is a starfish, the acanthaster, which devours the corals and cause to them large damages.

Ray or tortoises, it is always a marvellous encounter.
The ray of the lagoon is the stingray wich has a blade on the end of its longf tail

he ray "pastenague" (in french).  Fearsome when fighting with another animal, there is no danger because it flees away when trying to touch it, being half burried in the sand at the bottom of the water (I noticed that myself).

Spotted cod (merou and loche in french) can reach 80 kgs. (178 lb)

The side line: Many questions rise observing the marine animals, of which this one: how can fish in bench change abruptly direction all together, in particular when they are attacked, drawing complex and moving volumes of beautiful effects, regulated like a ballet? it would be by observing the reflection of the others, in particular on this "edge line" many fish have. This edge line would be a  multi detector; it is also supposed that it would enable them to detect many other events (electric or electromagnetic variations, vibrations etc). - The fish see the colors by dichromy (bases of two colors), at the contrary of humans which see in three-colour process (three types of cones paper the eye, like in the tube TV ); therefore, it should be known that at 10 meters deep, all is already blue (for us). And for them ? - The marine animals move while crawling, walking on their fins, swimming, stuck to others and also by reaction. See also "extraordinary fish" (is worth the clic) and "the life of the lagoon" hereafter.

In Nouméa, amid a pretigious settingd. the aquarium of lagoons + (2007). In a  themes park, it is a comprehensibe view of the whole hydro-eco-system of the New Caledonia which is offered to the vistor. The visit follows a way starting from the mountains, the rivers and arriving on the coast, its mangroves, then the lagoon and the reefs.
Both a very original an vocational program.


Promenade Roger Laroque.

Behind the screen of the computer, we can read videos, make a virtual visit with some stops at pools along with audio comments that are starting with a single click.

  vie du lagon 2 (origin, sea, depth, madreporia, corals and madreporia, tentacles..)

The lagoon (origin and formation, kind of reefs, passes, islets/motus) Lagoon life 1 (fish and reef vivid beings) Lagoon life 2 next (fish and reef vivid beings) Lagoon life 3 next ( reef vivid beings, unsafe fish and other animals)

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