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This page,   The Great South  (Yaté)
Visit : the OLD VILLAGE OF PRONY (penal colony)

Towards YATE (80 km), the BLUE RIVER PARK (rivière bleue) and the dam.

The ochre dust rises in passing cars and roads are not fully paved. Better to keep his distance.
The country has been somewhat devastated by the quarries and a recent chemical plant is already planning an extension, that could lead to aggravating discharges into the lagoon. Photo from a magazine.

Red earth is everywhere. This region has suffered from the effects of uncontrolled forestry and mining operations. Unusual plants grow there, like the carnivorous Nepenthe, the white orchid..
Prehistoric wood thousand years Old has been discovered in the mud of some lakes.

Better going to the botanic garden, Nouméa, to see them, because if you are not briefed, you will surely miss them.

 carnivorous plants

knowed from tne Caledonians and pointed passing there, the two nipples.

In the south of Noumea, the ground entirely consists of iron chromium, ore also containing nickel in small proportion.

towards Yaté
Characteristic road of the south: here a view of the old not "tarred" road.

Granulometry is variable but the majority of the visible grains are from 1 to 6 mm.

Dangerous, it was not a great pleasure driving on the old way. hibis

This chromium of iron, that is recently extracted by a chemical process is composed of grains, heavy in the hand, which have three characteristics not to be forgotten :

- roll under the feet and the wheels of the car, caution in turns. - cut and can notch you deeply (my own experiment, slipping on a slope)
- stain a lot and sometimes in an almost indelible way (attention with your clothing, the dog, the car).

Cars hirers prohibit sedan vehicle the access to the not tarred roads of the south. : you must rent a 4 wheel drive.

TO PRONY : you will not go up to the dead end with a regular rented car (not tarred road) ; you undoubtedly will have to rent a 4 wheel drive.
Arrived at the old village, a barrier closes the access but you can pass : enquire before preferably if you are not with a New Caledonian. In the village, greet any person and stop to say some words.

view of "baie de Prony", with the Casy small island, known for its hotel-restaurant, the baths of thermal spring in edge of sea and the diving around a spectacular underwater formation.

The old "bagne" (penal colony) collapses under the vegetation; a small building "the poudrière" (powdery), is the only being restored.

Luxuriant vegetation in edge of sea due to a river.

The car below belongs to a friend of mine : fortunately, it is red !!

  On top - right, beautiful ferns. hibis

Arrival at the old village of Prony.

On the road to Yaté, the park of the Bleue River (rivière bleue).

A pleasant environment of greenery for one day of nature and relaxation; you will hear the cry of the "nautou" there "ouuu.." (the pigeon of the country).>

The most prized wood for this giant Kaori (was used for constructing boats): 900 years old, 40 meters high.

The road of Yaté "is tarred", until Yaté and even a little ahead. But you will not be able to go in the park of the blue river with a regular rented car (road not tarred).

Landscape of the south, towards the dam Yaté. Here, the sight on the river is superb all around you.
There is a road panel at this place.

The dispensary of Yaté : essential !

advice : small wounds : quickly wash with water and soap everyday.

The south Province, it is also a classified lagoon by Unesco.

The North of the south Province, it is the contrast of the setting-up of a hotel Sheraton, footpaths on the symbolic site of Deva, historic place of colonial war, and the extensive exploitation of an poor nickel ore chemically treated with pouring of turbid water in the classified lagoon !!

NC Presse

NC Presse.

 NC Presse.
Setting of the south, aera, "La Deva".

An hotel Sheraton has been set on (2014), within by the lagoon shore.

   The Koghi Mounts

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