In this country "to live ", not everything matches with the paradisiac image " of the gentle savages. Treasures are to bediscovered and their perception will be very different according to the circumstances or the material living conditions.
Men and women may have a different appreciation - I have known some - due to the relaxed lifestyle, frequent and multiple dating, exoticism and youth, also by the territory restriction (confinement).
This is the problem of Overseas, I would say, its promiscuity sometimes heavy. The nature, the local life and the quiet, if not lymphatic kindness of the "locals" should finally prevail, even if one can be annoyed by their indifference, or their ignorance of everything, as they appear to us (is this true? totally true or accentuated against our subway status?
who knows..
Let's add everything that can not be easily found there. There is also insecurity, sometimes animosity or a filthy personne that dissuade you from going to sit at the "Bistrot" Papeete), as it happened to us. With a SMIG, luxury for some poor people, one can eat but not be living with dignity.
Much less than in Metropolitan France.
Everyone observes what his environment allows him to see. A lot of ttourists will not leave their hut with glass bottom, above a coral jar placed for us, neither the dining room and its daily show. Like on a boat.
What is stiil enchanting is going to be a little less tomorrow. It's a general process. Enjoy the best of your present moment. P>
Its a country we leave as soon as possible or we think there isn't any other place to live in, definitely.
Another problem is the exodus of Polynesian, important, due in part to the fertility, tourist invasion or permanent wealthier people, studies and emancipation of young people, who will struggle to return. Without the Polynesians remaining as authentic as possible,
Polynesia would already be gone.
Deprived in the past of their culture, they are in the process of being deprived of their arts for the second time, this time with their consent, for the money.
As their country is mainly covered by water, the Polynesian's attachment to the land is easy understanding. But "Fenua", it's not only the earth, it's the roots. It's powerful, visceral.
And the flower on the ear too.. here a group of Polynesians at a feast (not Tahiti, but Noumea). We can easily recognise them ! The Polynesian unity has operated powerfully on all the Pacific Islands and one does not belong to an island, but to all Polynesia.
In Bora Bora, When I asked a Polynesian woman where she was from, hoping to hear the name of "Bora..", she answered "I'm from Vaitape" the name of the village, because she was not also from Bora Bora, but all the Polynesian islands, which are a country, at least for the group of the Society and the Tuamotu.
"Raerae" or "mahu"
It is said that in Polynesia, for lack of girls births, men were being raised "as such" by
Another interpretation is that there are "cases" as everywhere but that they were very well tolerated.
The "raerae" is an urban and boisterous sophistication (clothing..) of the "maru", appeared in the 50s .
The maru, rural, so to speak, were distinguished in the islands by the wearing of their sarong under the breasts (man, of course). Details collected during a radio show in November 2006, on the spot).
At a street corner of Papeete, we had indeed seen a group of men so effeminate that we first took them for beautiful young women offering their charms & nbsp; it was raerae! When seen closer, "they" were all the same weird.
Pareo and flowers on ear
The pareo (pareu) is sometimes worn. But the clothing is generally standardized ó : we saw some young women with a flower in their hair, or
on the ear, at the reception of hotels, agencies etc; sometimes also in the street and as I asked for it; a saleswoman answered there wasn't any significance : "it is finished, it was our "grrands mothers". mauve>
Big and fat
According to tradition, Polynesians would like to be "corpulent" and for us to be fat. If there are any slender, we find numerous men and women they
could be described as obese.
Decimated after their contact with the Europeans (diseases, alcohol, abandonment of "tapu" (taboo), despair or acculturation orchestrated by the missionaries, the population which was 70,000 inhabitants at the time of its discovery by the Europeans had fallen to only 7,000 of which 400 French, the worst effects of colonization.
It has risen little by little to reach 260,000 inhabitants in 2006, including 228,000 for the archipelago of the Society, and regularly believes, which poses new social problems (unemployment, petty crime>, identity revolt).
Polynesians are in the majority with more than 63% pure Ma'ohi and 20% half-breeds called "half", regardless of the crossing rate; next come 12% of Europeans (Popa'a) and only 5% of Asians (Tinitos) but who own in Tahiti 85% of goods (land, buildings ..) according to the words of our Tahitian. They were "introduced" by the French to strengthen the workforce, as was practiced in Fiji by the English (introduction of Indians).
The enchanting islands of the Pacific, described as Paradise by Bougainville (era of the "good" wild of JJ Rousseau), offered landscapes of dream, with generally very welcoming inhabitants, smiling women, magnet organizing parties. As a result, in addition to the products that could be derived from them, the place of an incredible mix of Japan and Russia was included. A large Chinese population comes from "displaced" more or less office at a time when France wanted to develop the country and was sorely lacking work. No doubt they have been less decimated than other compatriots for the construction of railways in Vietnam, America, Suez or worse, in Panama, where they have developed and acquired a good part of the property. and real estate
Whatever the importance of other communities, the Polynesians remain, by their cohesion, the masters of the place. Will it go with the new generations?
Raïatea (old Havai) is the most populated. It has the largest lagoon in the Society's archipelago, although Bora Bora also has a beautiful body of water, the largest, though very silted, due to its venerable 3 million years
(impressive, but actually very recent geological scale!). Raïatea is above all a nautical center.
For the Polynesians, Raïatea is said & quot; the sacred & quot; because of the manifestation in this place, the god Hiro .
Huahine , the feminine. (meaning female, "in Polynesian) The slhouette of its relief, seen from a certain angle, is reminiscent of a woman who has been deflated.
This is the most authentic said, these two islands would be the first places of installation peoples from the west, from where they
would have conquered the rest of the Pacific; other (European) sources place this point in the Marquesas, although this is very far from the original flows.
These islands have so far been spared by tourism, but the first large hotels with overwater bungalows have settled on both in 2003.
Bill Gate (founder of Windows and Microsoft) acquired some bungalows in & nbsp; (Raïatea)..
One of the islands is not like the others: Makatea. This is not an atoll and there is no old volcano; it is a limestone plateau with steep cliffs where one formerly extracted
nitrates to export them. (TV5 report)
From 17 August to 13 September 2017, a
Census of Population took place throughout French Polynesia.
G & O Review, January 2003: "Most Micronesians and Polynesians are involved in setting up a network
migratory, & agrave; destination of Australia, New Zealand, the cities of the "Pacific" north coast
American, New Caledonia and France for French nationals. Mauve>
In 2002, 340,000 Polynesian women resided on the California coast (Los Angeles) and 150,000 in
Australia (especially Sydney) ". Strong> mauve>
"In total, 540,000 Polynesians live in their native area strong>, 770000 are indigenous minorities strong>
& Agrave; Hawaii and in New Zealand (230,000), 850,000 are circulating strong> & nbsp; in and around the Pacific ".
Comment. lesitinà ants rants could be deve loped; partially numbered in the
indigenous minorities ?? mauve> P>
"Not everyone returns to their home, but their income helps the families to buy the property
modern equipment. " mauve>
"Tahiti press", 29/10/2008. Matarii i Ni'a
has been celebrated Vaiete square in Papeete, late Tuesday on the presence with culture ministre Joseph Kahia.
- Matarii i Ni'a or the coming back of the abundance period, is related to the rise of the constellation of Pleiades in the Polynesian sky.
Dances and songs once honored this indication of the stars of a return to a period of abundance linked to the passage in the hot and humid season, favorable to the growth of the nourishing plants.
photo Tahiti Presse
Heiva : the great feast !
The most famous festival of cultural festivals is definitely the "
Heiva I Tahiti", great traditional festival
beginning on June 29, feast day of the Autonomy, to last one month, including the national festival of July 14
The demonstrations of this period are imposing and result in competitions baited between the best groups of songs and
dances, without forgetting the sporting competitions of dugouts, launching javelins, preparation of copra, raising stone, braiding…
The heart of the population is also found in the "Heiva of the craftsmen" who accompany these demonstrations, exposures and demonstrations of all kinds of artisanal
expression gathering the the five archipelagoes.
The remainder of the year is enamelled with various demonstrations of handcraft, horticultural or cultural topic organized by various.
The sport itself occupies a growing place with a not usurped international notoriety, in particular in the field of
surfing and the dugout.
From their ancestors, the Polynesians have inherited the passion of the sea through fishing, surfing and practice of the ancestral dugout, become the
sport-king of all the archipelagoes : the "Le Hawaiki Nui Va'a".
In Polynesia but also in France, in Brest and Toulon (France) !
some ancient dugouts were
The Polynesian pirogue is a sport that is practiced as individual (V1) or team (V3, V6 and V12).
This sport combines power, physics, strategy, knowledge of the sea and perfect teamwork. There are different types of tests: endurance racing
in offshore racing and speed. The Polynesian pirogue (Va'a) became the last twenty years, a sport in itself. Long established as one of a folk
festival, the games involving the Polynesians, with pride and joy of living in their natural environment, the ocean.
Among young people is a way of being, to recognize oneself, identify, to live simply.
Text from the site "ruahatu.vaa" in Toulon beach (France).

Toulon (France)
Hawaiki Nui 2008
: Superbe photo "Tahiti Presse"
Hawaiki Nui 2008: the race Molokai Hoe (Hawaii) Text "Tahiti Presse.
Huahine - Raiatea (44,5 km) is the first stage of the va'a "Hawaiki Nui 2008" race.
"This morning in Huahine was given the start of the Hawaiki Nui Va'a 2008. Va'a 85 crew (6 men per boat) took off from 7.30 am,
towards Raiatea (Leeward Islands), 44.5 km distant. (Tahitipresse)
- A thousand rowers will start Wednesday on the island of Huahine to reach remote Raiatea 44.5 km first stage of the Va'a race inter-island
"Hawaiki Nui 2008.
"The tension rises, the weather too, a heat wave that will make the race challenging for the 91 crews."
"Meanwhile, Huahine is celebrating. Everywhere, simple huts or stalls along the main street which was held Tuesday, after the weighing of
canoes, the opening ceremony of the festivities with the President of French Polynesia, and organizers of Hawaiki Nui. The personalities of
the island including the Huahine mayor, were present.
They are dancing for the winners of the race Molokai Hoe (Hawaii), Huahine - Raiatea (44.5 km) 1 Shell Va'a (team A) 3h30mn 40s..
The winners, from the front, seem quite interested in this festive and ceremonial demonstration.
"Hawaiki Nui is a breath of fresh air to the island's economy," said the mayor of Huahine to Tahitipresse.
Polynesian Dances, look at
"Tiki Village"
In this country mainly occupied by the sea, onre can easily understand what important can be the earth.
However, "Fenua", is not only earth, it's roots. It's powerful, deep-rooted.
Regional History
In 1834, Catholic missionaries in France, already settled in the Gambiers, settle down; Papeete. Protestant pastors, including Georges Pritchard, have been settled for 12 years. These are putting pressure
on the queen Aïmata Pomaré IV: The French are obliged to embark.
To wash this affront, Captain A. Dupetit-Thouars (under Louis Philippe) is sent to ask for repair. the Queen (August 1838). A
The struggle for influence ensues and the disorder sets in.
The assembly of Tahitian chiefs then proclaimed the French protectorate to restore order.
A Provisional Government is agreed with the English but Pritchard does not disarm and regains control over Pomaré;
In 1844, A. Dupetit-Thouars had him deported, but England asked for it. its turn to repair! The affair gets worse and we talk about war .. but later, the pastor is
indemnis & eacute; and France keeps the protectorate. In Tahiti however, it is the effervescence and the revival of 1844. 1846.It is necessary to fight again and
the last rebels surrender on January 1, 1887. Queen Pomaré is loyal to the France and dies after 50 years of rehearsal (1887)
by abandoning his rights o the France.
(*) The island would become French in 1880 (geographical review, Encyclopedia Larousse).
Due to the bacteriological shock (diseases) and acculturation (culture radically modified by the invaders) related to colonization, the population which was 70.000 inhabitants during its
discovery by Europeans drops to only 7,000 including 400 French! the worst effects of colonization.
(*) For the choice of France, some speak of a "romance".
New Caledonia In 1843, the government (Louis Philippe) plans to take possession of the New
Caledonia. The French flag is planted ó À Stroll of 1843 à 1846. At that time, Minister Guizot had
with England gives the order to withdraw it to prevent any further incidents. P>
France is again interested by New Caledonia under the Second Republic and their co-ordination. the English get busy and plan
the installation of a coal trap.
In 1853, the French imperial government sought to find land to establish a penal colony. Napoleon III
orders then the taking of possession and on September 24, 1853, Admiral Auguste Febvrier-Despointes hoisted a new hoist the French flag & agrave; Walk,
then on the 29th, on the Isle of Pines. No doubt one benefits from the alliance that England seeks with France in the Mediterranean.
Australia, it does not appreciate this change.
A few days later, coming from China, Tardy de Montravel confirms the taking of possession on the east coast, then looks for a safer harbor and founds Port of
France (later renamed Nouméa to avoid confusion with Fort de France). P>
From 1864 to 1897, 22,000 convicts were received in the various prisons of the country. Some concessions have concessions.
In the first few years, aboriginal people rebel from the coast. of Hienghène and the conflict arose because it was necessary to limit the
land and those attributed to settlers. In 1878 a veritable insurrection under the leadership of Chief Ataï when the settlers bring
their flocks. Seven months after and 200 deaths occurred for the Frenchs , a thousand of Kanak, Ataï is shot down by Segou, chief of Canala.
Calm is restored in January 1879. (Guide Hachette)