
hibis, the reality, nothing else.

hibis   Curiosity.
  • Theme summary
    •  architecture, arts and technics
      frontages and houses - fountains, campaniles, sundials, wall paintngs.. - bildings, towers, other housing -
      ancient constructions, art objects- religious edifices and religions
      technics and materials, evolving - arts works, huge sizes
    •  surprising, funny (or not)
      city and nature, street signs, plates and placards, shops, trade, humans, animals, foods, vehicules, arts, things, habits and faith.
    •  Science and Technics
      first things. numbers, percentages, slopes, angles - forces and composition - energy, mass, speed - liquids - pressure, temperature..    -    Life just visible or too tiny, complex and créative world - birth.. - atoms - univers - to wonder ?    -    electricity batteries, lightings, electric current, (electro)magnetism, gigantism - électrostatic - dangers..  data technology..
  • global summary

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this page:   portals, wrought iron, grids, ..

One does not pass the arm, even by the side of the rounded part. .

Provence. hibis
Modern Art very inspired : artistic shop grid : in the small town of the chuch lighthouse.

It is not a door, but a window grid, of which we see the white half-curtain. (Click!) Provence. hibis

Master piece wrought iron for this very dissuasive grids of a castle, like horns of stag, with triple or quadruple multiple points.
Not really artistic !! but solid and sturdy. Door of a small Basque House, made of iron plates ; a souvenir of the 39-45 war. Allowed to drive on muddy or rough soil. Are still used. hibis


Andalucian patio (from a postal card), I was enable to shot it) Mexico.


Arabesques. Puebla, Mexicoe. hibis



Monumental gate, but without a fence ! Must be sufficient here !
(north Germany) hibis

I must quote this incredible work of the Sainte Anne gate at Notre Dame de Paris, not to mention the Stanislas square, in Nancy. There are many more to be discoverd..


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