
hibis, the reality, nothing else.

hibis   Curiosity.
  • Theme summary
    •  architecture, arts and technics
      frontages and houses - fountains, campaniles, sundials, wall paintngs.. - bildings, towers, other housing -
      ancient constructions, art objects- religious edifices and religions
      technics and materials, evolving - arts works, huge sizes
    •  surprising, funny (or not)
      city and nature, street signs, plates and placards, shops, trade, humans, animals, foods, vehicules, arts, things, habits and faith.
    •  Science and Technics
      first things. numbers, percentages, slopes, angles - forces and composition - energy, mass, speed - liquids - pressure, temperature..    -    Life just visible or too tiny, complex and créative world - birth.. - atoms - univers - to wonder ?    -    electricity batteries, lightings, electric current, (electro)magnetism, gigantism - électrostatic - dangers..  data technology..
  • global summary

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this page: Frontages, balconies


Massif Central. Two balconies style "arts deco". The forms are reminiscent of the architect Gaudi's balconies (see further, houses).


Fontarrabia (or Hondarribia)>


These fantastic and charming balconies enlight the little city of Fontarrabia or Hondarribia, Spain, next to Hendaye, France >hibis


Tunisia : to see, without to be seen: The moucharabieh is a grilling of small turned wood. hibis

Mansion house.
To see whithout to be seen. Alike in a certain way, but not for the same necessity as said before. hibis


Spain, Alhambra (southern Spain). (postal card)
The Arab invasion of the southern Mediterranean circumference has deeply marked Spain where architecture would have reached its best. Let us retain the school of freshness. First of all, thick enclosures shield against the heat of the sun, sometimes several successive, without forgetting the broad openings to let pass the air. Inside, courtyards, gardens, water running (fountains, gutters), bringing freshness by evaporation. Nothing or almost does not open outside. It is the principle of old and rich private residences of North Africa, in particular in Marrakech, said "Riads". One made in the same way in India, in Rome and elsewhere.
South France, in comparison.
In an authentic village of Provence, people complained that the water were cut off to them. Cut where ? in the gutter that run along narrow lanes in the middle of the streets. Narrow to stop the sun. The water came a few years ago from an old Roman fountain. Water companies does not lose anymore a drop, by cupidity. In another small town of Provence, one can still follow the water running, provided by the fountain. This give a little freshness. And it is a social act.

North India

Detail of the lower parts.Varanasi. . (from TV FR3 2003 broadcast)
Story. North India : at the beginning of the century, under the presence of the British, Maharadja are very numerous and rich. They were 565, having women and children, coaches, Rolls and elephants, invaluable stones; their privileges, whose sumptuous festivals of palate, were abolished by Indira Gandhi, after the independence of India (currently the greatest democracy of the world)...
Rajasthan (Jaipur)

Rajastan (Jaipur).... Reconverted as businessmen, Maharadjas make bear fruit their goods and now greet tourists with more or less ostentation... (see photo)Reconvertis en hommes d'affaires, quelques Maharadjas font fructifier leurs biens et accueillent maintenant les touristes avec plus ou moins de faste  voir intérieur d'un de ces hôtels (reportage TV)
Jaipur.. Among them, the Marana, the most powerful of Maharadjas, organizes receptions worthy of the Thousand and One Nights palates. (see photo of palate)parmi eux, le Marana, le plus puissant des Maharadja, organise encore des réceptions dignes des palais des mille et une nuits. voir photo du palais)

Inde, Jaipur  (Reportage TV)

Click please to see balconies that doesn't really mach each others..  (Reportage TV)

Rajasthan. see palate door extraordinary master work (page bottom).

  fountains, campaniles

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