architecture, arts and technics frontages and houses - fountains, campaniles, sundials, wall paintngs.. - bildings, towers, other housing -
ancient constructions, art objects- religious edifices and religions
technics and materials, evolving - arts works, huge sizes
surprising, funny (or not) city and nature, street signs and placards, shops, trade, humans, animals, foods, vehicules, arts, things, habits and faith.
Science et Technics first things. numbers, percentages, slopes, angles - forces and composition - energy, mass, speed - liquids - pressure, temperature..
Life just visible or too tiny, complex and créatie world - birth.. - atoms - univers - to wonder ?
electricity batteries, lightings, electric current, (electro)magnetism, gigantism - électrostatic - dangers.. data technology..
French this page :Urban arts and decors, wall paintings, ludic areas
what one moderately calls urban furniture indicates primarily animated information boards ; works of artists of any kind are - seems to be - art, which include the murals.
What are the signs, various cabinets of EDF, Orange (ex-France Telecom), Post or DHL ?
As for the various containers and dustbins which are flowering here and there ? Nothing has stirred up the imagination.
The murals give life to ordinary facades, or revive the past.
Germany : click for the whole picture : the rounded street angle is painted. My red line distinguishes the fake painted facade which is on the left of it (false small windows, arches etc)..
Biarritz (France); a large mural fresco with the sea in ground ; the Basque house with its shades
is particularly well made. Click for the whole picture..
Technical shelter. It looks like old bricks, but looking closer, there are trees of a bush ; bricks
are fallen down leaves ! click for detail. Anglet (France).
The water-carrier man appears to be the symbol of the city; among them, scattered nearly everywhere in down town, here are the most beautiful, or the least ugly, as you wish.
There would have been disputes over the utility of the expense.
On right-hand side, the piece of wood (pack) and its chains which facilitate carrying two buckets; this system has existed in France, according to friends' collectors who have got one of them.
In Asia, one carries materials and products at the end of a long bamboo which bends in cadence with the step of the carrier.
A season vegetal work. What a pity. hibis
This huge painting representating a region. Gorgeous.
Toulon is mainly known for the Faron mount, looking over the bay, his naval port and his popular neighbouring city.
In the vicinity, seek also the sculpture of a french Marius famous “partie de cartes”..
Nearby the Algiers street, close to the harbour, this mural painting is absolutely remarkable.
Please, magnify for a better view.
There is also the gigantic prow, on frontage, of a galleon plated on the facade.
Small village, great work: the trades of the past. Here, basketry, spinning. Sables d'Olonne and marsh village
old machine and forge.
Formerly said "the beautiful asleep", is now awake. Surprise on the quays, surprise eveywheret. Here wineyards on the the tram rails. A Tram that is powered downtown - but not here - without any wires, due to a switching progressive system by the soil, under the passing carriage (Alsthom).
Ephemère, comme tout désormais..
Bordeaux, in the sunset. The color of these rings is enlighten.
Very simple, this set of rings are a spirit elevation, a hope, or simply rings of barrels (barriques).
Childs try to climb up inside. Please, enlarge, it is going to appears more powerful.
There are some digits engraved at the bottom : a geodesic orientation or something like that. Not a geographic position. hibis
The water mirror of Bordeaux is very attrative and passerby flock towards it.
Just three centimetres of water top the perfectly bond plates of stone.
Surprise, the water disappears then by slots in the plates !.
It is the time everybody is waiting for; slots let fumes invading the surface. People progressively are disappearing.
The mist only lasts for a few minutes..